Blow me

Apr 09, 2009 18:55

My music professor was teaching us about instrument classifications. One of the categories is called aerophones, for instruments that require air to cause vibration and thereby sounds.

He asked a student if he could have her empty water bottle so he could demonstrate on making it an aerophone.

He blew, but nothing was really happening. He then says to our class TA: "Tony, you try. Tony's good at blowing hard."

At that moment, the predominantly sleepy class woke up and laughed so loud. I don't think Tony or my professor got it and probably just thought they were funny.

Haha I love random class moments.

I enjoy my dance and music classes. I get what I'm doing in those classes. I'm one of the annoying kids who answers questions during class in my music lecture. We were analyzing Irish music today and there was this excerpt of two violins/fiddles playing and my professor asked how you could tell there were two, so I raised up my hand and said something about tone quality being different due to maybe different woods used for the instrument or the bow. Rofl.

I kind of did that during ballet barre when Stuart was talking about how legs are doing the technique and the arms are doing the expressions. He made fun of me and said we're going to get along so well. LOVE that class. He calls me YouTube dancer now because I told him that's how I learned how to do tricks.
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