Waiting's always the hardest part

Feb 15, 2007 16:35

Downloading Naruto Shippuden now. ARGH, only 18% done?!?!! 1 hour and 41 minutes to go?!?! X___x This so reminds me of my dialup days, but then again, the file is 400+ megs so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Will post more with comments and fangirling, but here's something to amuse you guys with:

Yesterday, I was dining out with my family when we were talking about how some of my Christian relatives would not celebrate Chinese New Year because they consider it to be a Buddhist ritual, and I was like geez, "religious zealots," and so I was asking my dad:

C: Hey dad, how do you say 'anal' in Chinese?
Dad: WTFx1000?!?!!? O____o
C: ^laughing^ Oh no, I meant anal as in uptight, not the, er, "other" type of anal. ^^;;
Dad: Oh. O____o

EDIT 7:23pm - Download finally done!!! Actually, I think it's been done a while already but I didn't notice since I was busy cleaning up for the past hour or so. Dayum...if I knew that cleaning up makes the DL time pass this much quicker I would've done that a long time ago and not stare at the laptop for 2+ hours staring at the download rate!!!!

But oh no, it's dinnertime, and I don't think my parents will buy if I say Sasuke and Itachi will be my dinner tonight. ^___~
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