so this week has actually turned out okay in the end. wednesday i chilled with erik he came over. it was really fun. on thursday i got to hang out with liz and that was so much fun. shes so awesome. i seriously love her to death. its so easy to talk to her and we just i dont know we really relate to a lot. i love you liz!! last night i went to the game with lily, erin, and linzi. after the game me, lily, tim, daniel, ashley, and brian went to b dubs. chilled and i ate. took some flag things and a "wet floor" sign haha. me and ashley spent the night i love her and lily. here are some pictures...
hahahah erik and his tire
erik while we wait for his dad to come and help
awww lily&tim
lol daniel
monikas cute
oh ashley
lillian kane:]
ashley being cute as always
lily on the phone with tim
i liked this tree a lot
you can't really see him cuz i didnt have time to zoom in but theres just this random guy grilling outside of the car place haha