Dec 28, 2010 20:59
Count, I've been talking to the muppet with the big nose, and he said I should go to you to get a second opinion. Well, we both agreed that if the Admiral has twenty five chickens and gives five away, he'll have twenty chickens.
Well, since I went to find you, I've been thinking a bit more.
[He sings.]
If twelve eggs hatch he'll be up to thirty two,
And if he gets five more out of the blue
Why then he'll be up to thirty seven!
But if six should fly away to heaven
Then he'll be back down to thirty one.
If another then runs away to be a nun,
Then he'll be down to thirty.
That's a whole lot of little birdies!
Oh this math thing is very fun,
To count and count to a thousand and one!
[He interrupts himself.]
So...could you double check my math?