The FIRST entry you'll EVER see if you don't add me.

Dec 09, 2014 21:31


because I get anonymous comments every now and then so I decided to locked all my entry xD.

Every now and then I'll post a link to download like music or Drama CDs. Only if you're friends thou because it's f-locked

Drama CD ドラマCD
(Kannou Mukashibanashi is love)
Otome Game
Sound Horizon
  1. Only Otome Games and Drama CD entry. I'M NOT GONNA RANT ABOUT MY LIFE.
  2. I review all my otome game individually. Means, one entry for one character.
  3. There's a LOT of reviews here and spoiler ahead. Don't blame me. Read at your own risk.
  4. I also play 成人乙女ゲム。つまり、エロイゲム。
  5. All games are in Japanese.
  6. I'm not superb in Japanese and still learning and sometimes my review might be "what I think" not "this is what happened" D: crap that shit.
  7. I never finish my games. I mean, I play particular characters that I like and I quit. I don't know how to cure this but please goes BANZAI if I ever made it through. I'm counting on you.
  8. I love Emoji so you'll see them everywhere.
  9. ヽ(○´∀)乂(*´∀`*)乂(∀`●)  lol


  1. If you stumble my LJ randomly and you don't have LJ account but wants to be my friend, LEAVE ME A COMMENT down there with your OPEN ID (blogspot, facebook) and I'll add you.
  2. If you leave me a comment, please accept my gratitude by leaving mine on yours too :)
  3. I'm going to declare some of my "current otoge" as COMPLETED because I most likely won't be playing it anymore due to various reasons ; new games is NEW, leftover characters that I can't stand

Please use this if you're searching for something.
My tags are quite general :

Otome Games 乙女ゲーム
Drama CDドラマCD
Kannou Mukashibanashi官能昔話 Drama CD Review
Download dumps
Tutorials related post (game/PSP/PC/MAC tips, trick and problem)

Otome game list. ATTENTION. Some All of them are not complete yet.

デス・コネクション ポータブル
蝶の毒 華の鎖 
Bloody Call PC


WARNING : I might spam your f-list with my post. Usually, I post 3~4 entry a day and it's not about my daily life. It's fangirl related so rest assure. :) Leave a comment / pm if you want to be friend.

COMPLETED : okay basically I used save files

Current 乙女ゲーム :

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