Jun 04, 2007 02:49

200. My Middle Name Is: andra

199. I was born in: new smyrna beach

198. I am: tired

197. My cell phone company is: verizon in the u.s., vodaphone here in spain

196. My eye color is: brown

195. My shoe size is: 9 1/2

194. My ringtone is: jimmy or panic

193. My height is: 5'6"

192. I am allergic to: horse flies

191. I was born in: april 1987

190. I live in: orlando, but alcala de henares right now

189. The last book I read: i´m reading harry potter 4, the simple truth, and some comedy

188. My bed is: hard

187. Are you happy with your life? yes, much

186. Last person to send you a text message: i can´t use texts here

184. AIM or MSN or Yahoo: AIM

183. Do you email: yes

182. How is the weather today: cold

181. Do you have your wisdom teeth: no

180. Ever been to Disney Land: Disney World

179. My favorite holiday is: Christmas

178. The perfect kiss: i can´t choose just one lol

177. The last three cds I bought: i don´t remember

176. Last song that made you cry: i don´t remember

170. What did you do yesterday? slept, got lost, walked


142. Love at first sight? nah

141. Luck? sometimes

140. Fate? no

139. God? no

138. Aliens? idk

137. Heaven? no

136. Hell? no

135. Ghosts? no

134. Horoscopes? nah

133. Soul mates? idk


129. Hugs or Kisses? both

127. Phone or Online? depends on the person

126. Red Heads or Black Hair? black

125. Blondes or Brunettes? brunettes

124. Hot or Cold? cold

123. Summer or Winter? summer

122. Sun or Rain? sun

121. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla

120. Night or Morning? night

119. Oranges or Apples? apples

118. Curly or straight hair? straight


101. Saw someone I hadn't seen in a while: here, in spain

100. Cried in front of someone: i don't remember

99. Grew: dunno

90. Who is the ditsiest person you know: bran haha

89. Who makes you laugh the most: here? cody, haley, giovana

87. The last movie you saw: i dont remember

82. The thing I don't understand: why spaniards have mullets

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: no

79. The things I plan on doing this summer is: talking in spanish

74. The thing I'm looking forward to most: california

73. The thing I'm not looking forward to doing: school tomorrow

72. Today: segovia

71. This summer: study abroad in spain, michigan, california

70. This week: lots of walking

62. The person who knows the most about me: my mom, brandy, ryan

61. The person who can read me the best is: my mom, brandy, ryan

60. The most difficult thing to do is: be kind

56. My zodiac sign is: taurus

54. First time you had a crush: 1st grade

53. Last song you listened to: something by panic

52. Last time someone said what you were thinking: earlier tonight

50. What is your dream job: fbi

49. First job: Sweeties, i think

46. I hope that: i become more fluent

45. The worst sound in the world is: alarm clocks

44. The person that makes me cry the most: myself

35. Florida or Hawaii: florida

33. My favorite piece of clothing: boyshorts

32. My favorite sport is: cheerleading, surfing, softball

30. My friends are: everywhere

29. My computer is: dell

28. The school I go to: ucf, alcala de henares

22. The all-time best movie is: star wars

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: food

20. Last thing you ate: pizza

19. The most annoying thing ever is: me, apparently

18. The most annoying person you know is: me, apparently

17. I lose all respect for people that: drink

16. The movies I have cried at are: idk

15. Last phone call: cody

14. TV shows you watch: Scrubs, Grey's, Friends, One Tree Hill

13. Last friend you hung out with: everyoe

12. I want to be: sleeping

11. The worst pain I ever felt: my foot has been killing me

9. My room is: hot, small (here)

8. My favorite celebrity is: michael copon lol

7. My top person on MySpace: kyle

6. My favorite color is: black

5. My weakness is: little dogs! gambling

4. What the hell happened to 4? i ate it

3. Who broke your heart: myself

2. One thing that makes you feel great is: spain

1. Love and the potential of being hurt OR never loved but never hurt?: love
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