Mar 19, 2008 10:49
Bush’s speech/Iraq War 5th Anniversary:
“The president has not faltered…” claims the introducing speaker. What a load of crap, the commander chief, has lead his men into a drawn out death sentence. Sure, removing Saddam Hussein was best for that country and that was a ‘remarkable success’. However, it is time to bring our troops home. I just hope that they aren’t treated as the Vietnam soldiers were treated when they returned home. President Bush says that this is a war that we must win. I seriously don’t see the situation as a winning one. The only time a war is ever really won, is when the country coming in completely conquers and that isn’t America’s agenda. It is to help put Iraq back on its feet and install our ‘proper’ values. So, yeah… that doesn’t sound like something we can win. The president says, “the future of the Middle East is freedom…”. Terrorists and those that oppose a new Iraq will always underlay the Iraq country. Then the president places fear again into those listening to his speech by claiming that if we withdrawal another September 11 event could occur. ‘That so long as terrorist danger remains, America will continue to fight the enemy where ever it makes it stand.” With that, he might as well say that we will never end this war because there is always going to be a terrorist danger, if it is in Iraq or any other country, America isn’t looked upon that kindly.
“Iraq reconstruction, that they are where America was 232 years ago by starting a Nation.” It took America a LONG time to become the Nation we are today. This seems to be our agenda now.
When a new president, hopefully not Obama, it is going to be interesting to see what happens in Iraq and America.