Weeee are the Champions!

Feb 10, 2007 02:33

The first day of the Computer Game Conference has passed, and Domforahn annihlated all opposition.  Of the six teams, only TWO even had working games to show, and I did much of the art/modelling for BOTH of them!  I win in any case, but I'm glad that it was the project that I am directing that dominated.  Big props to my 3D instructor and boss of the "AbunchOfShortGuys" organization for posting up an awesome day One report just three hours after he left the conference!  Check out the details of the day at http://abunchofshortguys.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=50

We have already been informed that we won, but the official award will be presented tomorrow, during the main day of the conference.  I gotta write up a victory speech before bed, so off I go
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