Top 5 things That Made My Summer 2012 Awesome: No.4

May 29, 2012 19:15

Number 4: Battle Royale

Yup, Battle Royale! In a way, this came alive because of the very famous The Hunger Games and I was pretty excited to tackle the world of Koushun Takami.

If you have no idea what Battle Royale is, go here: at least you'll get more knowledge about it!

I am guilty of the fact that I knew and read Hunger Games first before Battle Royale. Well, who can blame me. The Hunger Games was starting to rise as a fandom; while Battle Royale, was shelved for more than a decade because it was published around '90s. Plus, Battle Royale created controversy in Japan and, if I'm not mistaken, was banned...

Apparently, comparison cannot be avoided from the two books. And truthfully, I cannot blame anyone if they compare them. Because I do that myself.

Actually, I can go on about my opinions about these two books. And I'll just short list them:

1) Reason to play
WINNER: The Hunger Games

Oh c'mon society in Panem is so messed up that you have to love the reason why The Hunger Games is played! Plus, I love the concept of oppression and ranking in Panem. It really gives a reason to rise up and fight.

2) Players
WINNER: Battle Royale

42 classmates battle out for their lives versus, 24 pre-teen to teenage strangers battle out for their lives. Battle Royale has this category in the bag. If you read both books, The Hunger Games only has Katniss' point of view; but in Battle Royale, you can see all 42 students point of views even though there is a main character. And I really love their background stories. I got to know the reasons why some students wanted to play the game and some don't. Also, the sentimental value between the relationships of the classmates is just heart-wrenching!

3) Outcome of the game

I won't say spoilers from both books. (This is mostly for the first book of Hunger Games vs Battle Royale) Both the outcomes of the books kept me satisfied. I am happy of the ending of both books and truthfully, I wanted more. And since Battle Royale is only a one-shot novel. it kept me hangin' but I still gained peace of mind from the ending.

4) Sequence of the game
WINNER: Battle Royale

Because The Hunger Games is quite a YA novel, the gore and is drawn to a minimal. Battle Royale on the other hand is "everything-goes" Anyway, as for the sequence of the game, the winner for me is Battle Royale because the game is quite fast-paced and it kept me curious for the next thing that might happen. Th game lasted for around 3 days. In Hunger Games, truthfully, I just wanted to know how Peeta and Katniss will end the game together. Meaning, I was quite looking for their love team. And the game lasted, if I'm not mistaken for a few days.

5) Movie Version
WINNER: The Hunger Games

Okay, I'm not bias because Josh Hutcherson is not the only reason why I like the Hunger Games' movie than Battle Royale. Well, BR movie was lacking a lot of the reason of why the students play... I mean the POVs of the students in the movie was quite out of the line of the book. While, HG movie stuck, somewhat, a lot to the novel. So, I really appreciate that!

As you can see, Hunger Games and Battle Royale stands as a tie... But for me, the winner is Battle Royale. There are so many categories that I can put up but I just gave out 5. The reason for BR to win in my opinion is because I read both books, and I just really liked BR more. The message, the love story, the friendship, the game and all of it, of BR gave me more connection not only to the main character but all characters. I just love the connection and closeness of the characters as classmates because it gave a more sentimental value.

As I said, Battle Royale is one of the reasons why my summer is awesome. I read the PDF version of the book for more than two or three weeks. One reason is because I don't want to read it before I go to sleep because I might have nightmares. Though I didn't have any, it kept me up all night because of curiosity of what's next or even analyzing the text. Another reason, because I want to "lasap" the story. BR just gave me a good summer memory, how emotional I got for reading it.

So I guess that's it... i just really hope you got my point of why BR is special to me.

Tomorrow's another entry and I really hope that you're up for reading this! :D Thanks! 

self, blog, movies, novels, section b-bsmt

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