I miss this place...lol

Apr 08, 2010 15:57

Umm i really have been neglecting my livejournal over here....so i've decided to do an art dump up in here o3o

these are pretty random pictures and u've all probs already seen them on either on my  DA or my Tegakie. some are very old and my style changes as i progress =.=;;

warnings: some straddling via britiannia angel but thats about as bad as it get :T and a fail attempt at drawing a torso.
 also...it allllllll hetalia \=<=/ and LOTS of america~<3

do do do do~~

Ahhh the colors!!  D: dont worry, its gonna get brighter as we move along >v>;;

drawn in February as a secret cupid exchange gift ^v^. the latin says 'Happy Valentines Day'

there is LOTSSSS of america chibis in this post >w>

Easiest picture ever. done out of sheer boredom and laziness to choose a clothing design =<=;;

this is easily my favorite pic in this whole dump >w< he looks so snuggable in his coat *w*

here~ won't u have some tea~ o3o

more lil' alfred~ a request by paperapples on Tegakie

IDEEKAY \owoo anatomy fail!!

Fu**sa;askda i hate torsoes man...../sobs

Hooray for half-ass unfinished sketches \o7o/ i love posting things not worthy of being shared ~o

ice ice baby~ dun dun dun duna na na~ /shot

casual taiwan. in PANTS o7o woo sticking it to the man~ oh so bored

WAH floating headsss o3o im getting really bored of making this post right now....

its the fuzz!.............y eyebrows that make this picture damn sexy o7o;;


k im done now. gonna go take a nap. bai~

england, tegaki, america, taiwan, fanart, germania, crack doodle, grandpa rome, chibis

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