Jul 18, 2005 00:27
I'm bored, hence this entry.
Saturday my boy booked out all dirty sweaty and eeky, with leftover camoflouge cream patches on his face. They were not allowed to bathe after section training. Instead they were forced to eat their cookhouse dinner at 6.30pm before bookout.
Caught Fantastic 4 at TM. Showtime at 11.50pm, we left the house at 11.45pm, but still made it in time before the show despite the traffic jam at the TM carpark. Not bad eh? lol.
Being the comic fanatic he is, he could tell me ALL about Marvel comics, and how each different super hero was linked to the others thru the villians. I didn't know Victor Von Doom was Spiderman's greatest enemy. Nor did I know that he was the enemy of mostly all Marvel action heroes. That explains why he managed to survive at the end of the show. KEWL. I learnt something new today. The knowledge of the 500+ comics stashed up in his wardrobe haven't gone to waste.
Apparently Sue Storm was married to Mr Fantastic in the comics but she isn't here. Anyway darling said she looked too young to be Sue Storm. shrugs. I've never read a comic in my entire life, unless those featured in the Life! section of The Straits Times are counted. So don't ask me!
He booked in just now. I'm so gonna miss him.
Meanwhile I'm gonna listen to the songs that he's been singing in the car =)