Jul 15, 2005 22:56
Hey sry i havent been writin but i guess i have been busy!! Well monday did nothin tuesday went to bridgets to hang with B.P and then had practice in the hottest gym in the world just about died it was so hot!! After practice we had a can drive which was fun!! Ashley remember hidin in the clothes at pats and the lady lookin at us!! LOl the water fight in the bathroom at pats!! so many good times!! Wed umm i dont really remember lol!! Umm Thursday Ashley came over!! WE had a midnight swim lol to cold!! The icon haha so many good times cant even name them all!! Today practice then emeralds house to swim and eat!! then came home chilled went shoppin with muh mom!! Gota digital camera umm abathin suit!! I cant remember the rest!! Tomorrow im packin so i wont prolly write in here!!! Sunday we are leavin for NATIONALS wahoo!! We wont be back till Wednesday so i will try to write in here!!! ttyl lyl
GO Lady Falcons!!! NATIONALS
#24 for Nationals