Mar 08, 2006 21:25
Just thought this would help with the furthur updating.. i stole this from a nate entry like 2 years ago.. it said his age was 16
A is for age: 16
B is for boyfriend: si,
C is for career: er.. hopefully pharmacy
D is for dad's name: mark
E is for eagerness: to got to peru!
F is for favorite song at the moment: hmm.. there for you -damian marley
G is for girlfriend: well.
H is for hometown: kzoo
I is for instruments you play: violin,
J is for favorite jesus: huh
K is for kids: hmm.. i want to name my daughter kaya
L is for living arrangements: a house
M is for mom's name: lora
N is for name of your pets: fish kunta kinte
O is for overnight hospital stays: pnemonia in 4th grade
P is for phobia[s]: chainsaws
Q is for quote you like: er....
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 8 months and counting
S is for sexual position: "i dont care, most of the time i cant even remember anyways" - to quote nathan.. hahah..
T is for time you wake up: 6:30 AM
U is for unique trait: umm.. my hair?
V is for vegetable you love: zuchinni
W is for worst habit: i gotta cut the cigs..
X is for x-rays you've had: hand butt ( i broke my tailbone)
Y is for yummy food you make: i cant cook... at all
Z is for zodiac sign: virgo