Apr 18, 2004 21:39
Worked all weekend..getting a big check Tuesday though..so it pays off :) Today is 3 months :) Vacation in One week. SOoo nice outside..I Love it!
Who was the last person...
[1] You touched? my mom's hands cause they were cold
[2] You talked to? my baby jon right now <3 :)
[3] You hugged? Jon
[4] You instant messaged? Jess
[5] You kissed? Jon
[6] You wanted to kiss? haha..jon?
[7] You yelled at? umm..probably jon for something stupid
[8] You laughed with? Jon haha
Name four drinks you drink regurlarly:
[1] Coke
[2] Sunkist
[3] Water
[4] Strawberry Passion
Name four random facts about yourself:
[1] i had heart surgery?
[2] umm..i'm only 5 feet 2 inches tall!
[3] i work allll the time
[4] uhm..i dont know?
Name three random facts about your family:
[1] everyone has depression
[2] my sister takes like 85902 pills a day to stay alive :-/
[3] my mom has diebetes
Have you ever...
[1] Fallen for a friend? uhm..yeah
[2] Made out with JUST a friend? yep
[3] Been rejected? yep
[4] Been in lust? sure why not
[5] Used someone? haha you could call it that i guess
[6] Ever been used? yep
[7] Cheated? Never.
[8]Been cheated on? I hope not
[9] Done something you regret? many things.. :(
Do you..?
[1] Color your hair? highlight it..yep
[2] Have tattoos? nope
[3] Have Piercing(s)? ears..nose..belly button..i want my tongue too! :)
[4] Have a boy/girl friend? Yes.
[5] Floss daily? haha no
[6] smoke/drink? no :) haha
[7] Think you are cultured? what? no?
[8] Like to drive fast? haha noooo..obviously :)
[9] Believe in God or Devil? sure
[10] Believe in The Closet Monster? when i was little
Miscellaneous Questions!
[1] What should you be doing right now? going to bed
[2] What are you listening to? jon talking to me on the phone
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body? haha i dont think so
[4] Chicken or fish? chicken definatly
[5] Favorite Season? summer. i can not wait until school gets out!
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? uhm no i dont really like it that much..
[7] What would your dream date be? uhm..hmm..i dont know..on the beach would be nice :)
[8] Silver, gold or platinum? silver..it's pretty :)
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? i like them both!
[10] Roses or wild flowers? roses!
[11] Silly or serious romance? haha silly but serious too..it's better that way
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now? Eminem in my car
[13] Who was your favorite Spice Girl? uhm..haha Baby spice?!
[14] Favorite Disney Characters? Nemo!
[15] food? pizza..i can't live without it
[16] Favorite movie? Love and Basketball..a lot of movies..i watch them all the time with my baby <3
[17] Favorite Sports teams? i honestly..don't care
[18] Favorite song? it changes all the time
[19] What room is your computer in? in my basement
[20] What is your shoe size? 7 1/2
[21] Happy or Scary movies? scary. [22]what will you be when you grow up? a nurse hopefully working with premature babies :)
[23] Who do you consider your best friends? Hmm..they know who they are..even if they don't feel the same way about me in return..but whatever..we can't all be happy :)