friday was awesome!!

Nov 07, 2004 00:47

Whoa Friday was soo much funn!! Well, the morning was really boring...i kinda ignored Steven until teenliving...when we were in Teen Living i flirted with him soo much. I mean i grabbed and hit his butt like hmm five times???!!! lol great time in the kitchen!! Well, i gave him my note that had said stuff when i was mad. I guess ... uhh well he said that i sounded really mad. I was!! Well then i went to keyboarding...soo much funn... not!! i spend most of my time talking to Josh. Well, what happened was that Roney came up to me and was like Lady's i walked out the door. Then i went behind them so the just stood against the wall and wouldnt move, then Larry goes why dont you just hold her hand...i was thinking whatis he talking about???...well i just decided to go...Larry got infront of me and Roney was behind me...well Larry bent over and started backing up o i moved out the wayso he backed up on Roney...You should have seen the looks on their faces!! It was hilarious...well then....i went to the band room and we had Pizza!!...with Soda...after that we had to get dressed to goto Fc. Well we got on the buses and went to Fc. Then we went and watched what the band was doing...then we practiced...walking in a line...after that we got a break to go to the bathroom...all alley's friends were talking to me i was like ahhhh....well then it was time to go on the field...not really... we went around the school then waited for like 10 mins then went on the field...after that we went on the bleachers...Lms band and drill team sat on the bleachers with Fc...then the Fc band and color guard went to perform...well then that's when all the lms people started walking around and talking. Well Brittany came up...and it was me her will james and olivia...hmmm brittany left...then Nathan came and stood a couple bleachers infront of me and he was complaining his hands were cold...he touched my face(to show me his hands were cold...) mine were colder though...then he sat down...we talked for about 5 mins cuz then we watched the i felt his hands like 4 times...they were holding hands...i was trying to make them warmer but that didnt hands were freezing...then we got on the buses and went back to school. We got dressed and i told brittany i think i like Nathan...she told me she think she likes him to...i was like whoa thats weird...i dont like him that much anymore...well then she went to give him a huge but he wouldnt give her i stood with him and waited for him to call his mom...well i grabbed his hand and i was like dang they're still cold...then i closed my hand on his and he did the same...i was like OMG then i panicked so i let go....i felt bad after i did that cuz i did like it i was just surprised...well then i left went home and talked on the phone...nothing new.

Like katelyn said i do ruin my chances with everything...oh well im stuborn...w/e well today was boring. I didnt do much of anything. Stayed home all day. I talked to Steven...he said he'd call me back "when he got home" but he never called its been five hours...he's been home...if he really wants to talk to me he would have called...i keep telling myself that to make me feel better...he's like whydo you always put your self down...i've always done that...kinda a habit i guess...well umm really tired and i think im going to go to bed. hmm i hope i get another chance with you know who...i just didnt know what to do...i feel really bad now...wish i could do it over...well its fine now...anyways...i'll write more later...

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