Busy, busy day.

May 03, 2009 21:28

All washed up
Originally uploaded by alyson_olanderI promise these posts will improve. I'm so out of practice. I worked on this piece today. I know you can't see much of it here, but it will be in Artomatic between May 29th-July 5th, so iffin you want to see it, you should come for a visit. Or, I will probably post a full pic when it's done, so you could take that route as well.

Also, we made a pilgrimage to Ikea for Artomatic lighting and a myriad of other fun things. I want everything. In particular, a new kitchen; but also, everything.

The NIH Juried Art Show Starts tomorrow. My purple swirly quilt that's already been everywhere is in that show. While I am very excited to be accepted to a juried art show, I have to admit to feeling disappointed that the other submissions were overlooked in favor of the purple swirly one. I think it's getting retired after this show, I'm tired of looking at it.

Off to go work on some more stuff for Artomatic. I think it is possibly a bad idea for me to leave all of the hand-sewing till last...
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