i • d • i • o • syn • cra • sy
1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.
List five of your own idiosyncrasies. [I'm not tagging anyone because I think all of you have gotten this one :)]
1. I hate when food mixes sweet and savory/salty tastes. For example, I get completely grossed out if I order sausage or bacon and pancakes for breakfast and the syrup gets on the meat. I absolutely will not eat it if that happens - I have to order the meat on the side. I don't like chocolate covered pretzels or any of those snack mixes that have both sweet and salty stuff mixed together.
2. I can't sit with my back to a room, especially if the room is full of people. I have to sit in the corner or against a wall.
3. I have to read for a little while before I go to sleep. If I don't read at least a few pages of something, I can't sleep.
4. I have never watched a horror movie straight through from beginning to end. I have to watch them in pieces, in the middle of the day when there's sunlight and John's in the house with me (even if he isn't watching the movie).
5. I share this one with
spritelyone: I can't throw books away. I can't even sell them. I have probably three hundred books in various places in my house, and my in-laws just gave me another 200 - 30 of which I've read since I got them two months ago. I really need to sell them or donate them and I just can't bring myself to do it.
I'm sure I'll think of other ones. :)