I don't care what they're sayin', as long as I'm your girl.

Aug 15, 2002 12:52

Do you remember a time when you were young and you kept a journal? Most didn't have any real secrets in them-- we just recounted the day's events, boring or not. There was always the time when you had a fight with your best friend, the time you broke your arm at the park, or maybe even when your parents wouldn't buy you that new bicycle for Christmas. However, most if not all of these journals had locks to keep out supposed nosy parents or siblings. Did you ever wonder why you felt so compelled to keep them out? Were we afraid of them noticing how boring and monotonous our lives were? Were we ashamed of what we as children deemed as important?
As I got older, I found myself writing less and less in my countless locked journals. I associated all those volumes with my childhood; it wasn't something a young woman would share her thoughts and feelings in. I felt that it was about time that my journal matured along with my state of mind. So, I got a new notebook-style journal... and it surprised me that one of my main concerns was making sure that it didn't have a lock. When I finally did start jotting down my thoughts again, it was because I had something important to say. The entries were vivid, detailed, and usually more than a page long. Furthermore, I went indepth with my feelings. Though the chance that someone else could read them was heightened, somehow I was able to dig deeper, to express myself more freely. One would think that you'd be more reserved, especially since you're saying something of more than just minimal value. It's as if you do want to write to an audience beyond yourself. Maybe we were thinking, "One day my kids will read this, and I want them to see that I was more than just who I appeared to be. I had something to say and didn't feel as though it was something to hide."

Onto life issues. American Pie 3 is going to begin filming in January. I'm not sure how my filiming schedule for Buffy will mesh with that, but I'm sure that Joss has thought it through at least six different ways already. I'm disappointed that as of right now, it doesn't look like Shannon Elizabeth will be joining us... but I suppose that's jsut how the cookie crumbles. Next Thursday, I'm bringing my platonic boyfriend out for a delayed lunch. *smiles* I'll be paying, too, but he doesn't know that yet.

Break's over. *smiles a little* It's time to get back to life.

<3 Aly

So what if I see the sunshine in the pouring rain?
Some people think I'm crazy, but you say, "It's okay".
You've seen my secret garden where all of my flowers grow
In my imagination, anything goes
I am all you want
They just read me wrong...
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