
May 09, 2008 23:25

Two Names You Go By?
1) Alyson
2) Aly

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now?
1) My Margarita Madness shirt
2) Blue jeans

Two things you Want in a Relationship?
1) Acceptance
2) Unconditional Love

Two of Your Favorite Things to do?
1) Dance
2) Play games

Two Things you did Last Night?
1) Saw 'Iron Man' at the theatre
2) Ate at Olive Garden

Two things you ate today?
1) Rice with veggies and chicken
2) cake and ice cream

Two people you Last Talked To?
1) Derek
2) Mama

Two Things You're doing tomorrow?
1) Working
2) Rehearsing in Garland

Two Longest Car Rides?
1) Dallas to Austin/San Antonio
2) I don't go on many car rides

Two Favorite Holidays?
1) Christmas
2) Halloween

Two Favorite Beverages?
1) I'm getting addicted to Margaritas
2) Ice water

Two things about me you may not have known.
1) Its hard to say no to people
2) Its hard to get my hopes up for anything, because so far I have been beaten down so many times

Two jobs I have had in my life?
1) Graphic Designer
2) Chili's Server

Two Movies I would watch over and over?
1) Star Wars
2) Moulin Rouge

Two places I have lived?
1) Dallas, TX

Two of my Favorite Foods?
1) Italian foods!
2) Sweets

Two places I'd rather be right now?
1) Anywhere with Derek
2) Dancing

Two things you could do without in your life right now?
1) Allergies
2) Self Doubt

Two of my biggest pet peeves?
1) Stupid People
2) Allergies

Two people I think will respond?
1) Dunno.
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