Aug 26, 2006 16:14
So Justin and I had a pretend fight, and decided like right in the middle of it to make a Soap Opera;
Okay so here it is............
Justin sends me a middle finger [thingy on msn], and It starts a HUGE fight between Justin [Jussy] and Alysha [me] sooo Alysha says to Justin, with tears in her eyes, "Maybe I dont wanna talk to you anymore!" and Justin says to her .. "FINE!" and Alysha replys with "So.. this is the end!?" and Justin says "Well I dont want it to be, but it seems like you do" Alysha says to him, " ..its just the way things have to be... *looks at you ...then turns away* Then all Justin says is...."Good Bye" ... Alysha says "Goodbye... ...*Walks to the door*---*turns back around for one more look of Jussy's beautiful face* *and walks out the door* ....Then Justinn *runs to the door to try and catch her before her taxi leaves, but when he opens the door its already driving away* annnnnnddd finnaally *Alysha has a nice chat with the taxi driver, about loveing someone, and she realizes she DOES love him, and even if they did have a fight about Justin sending a middle finger smily to her, she just cant leave him**so she drives back to Justins house and runs through the door, and says* "Jussy Baby! I Love you ...*which leads onto a full on make out fest*
haha, yes so thats our Soap Opera. that pretty much sums up, how completely random Justin and I are together. But we're amazing. Haha
My mom said to me when I was talking to him "You wanna kiss his lips dont you Alysha? hahaha" and I was like "OmiGod mom, haha" * and got all blushy* my mom is a loser. But I love her:P And yes. I would very much like so to kiss Jussy:P *giggle*