Fic: The Box of Uncertainty (Legend of the Seeker, Gen, PG)

Jan 21, 2013 20:17

Title: The Box of Uncertainty
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Characters/Pairing: Gen, Cara and Zedd
Rating: PG
Word Count: 650
Author's Notes: Written for the Legendland box challenge. Silly crack for which I don't apologise at all.

Summary: What's in the box?



Zedd let out a curiously satisfied sound, one that caught at Cara's attention and - in spite of her best efforts - held it. She swallowed down a sigh as she turned around and stared at Zedd.

Or at Zedd's backside, at least. The Wizard had found something to keep him occupied and all she could see of him was his be-robed behind as he wriggled more deeply into the crevice at the foot of the tree they'd just passed, finally emerging with a triumphant expression and clutching a rather plain and slightly battered box.

Cara was remarkably unimpressed. "Is that it?" she asked, not bothering to hide her impatience or her scepticism. "That's what we've been trawling these woods for?"

Zedd gave her a happy little nod, a beam lighting up his face as he stroked the wooden frame possessively.

She stared at him for a moment, and then looked back at the box, which remained unimpressive.

"Tell me again why we need it?"

"This box," Zedd started to explain expansively, waving one arm in the air and almost losing his grip on his prize with the other, "once belonged to the mighty Wizard Schrodinger."

Cara raised one eyebrow.

"One of the greatest Wizards the Midlands has ever seen?" Zedd offered.

Cara raised her other eyebrow.

"Oh, come now, Cara. You must have heard of the great Wizard Schrodinger. He was one of the most accomplished theoretical wizards of our era. His research is legendary."

Cara had, by now, run out of eyebrows to raise. She settled on tapping the end of her agiels suggestively instead.

Zedd snorted. "Fine, fine. I can see that such things are wasted on you, my dear. But within this box is a creature that might actually help us defeat the Keeper, a creature so magical that it can exist in both the world of the living and the world of the dead at the same time."

He opened the box with a flourish and Cara was confronted with something small and black, with green eyes and impressive fangs. It hissed at her and made a bid for freedom, using Zedd's face as a springboard and knocking the wizard flat on his back, his arms flailing and his feet pedalling the air.

She had to admit she had some sympathy for it - it couldn't have been much fun, trapped in that box for however many hundreds of years it had been since the Great Wizard Schrodinger had been put in a pine box of his own.

Zedd was struggling to his feet, wiping at the droplets of blood oozing from the scratches on his cheek and tripping over the edges of his robe more than once before he was finally upright.

"A cat," she said flatly. "You dragged me all the way out here to find a cat in a box. We could have found the nearest farm and saved ourselves the trouble."

Zedd drew himself up to his full height, aiming for dignified. The red lines on his face, however, undermined his efforts. "That was no ordinary farm moggie," he said. "That was Schrodinger's Cat, a creature that is both dead and alive at the same time."

Cara rolled her eyes at that. She was under the impression that the whole 'existing on the edge of death thing ' was why cats had nine lives in the first place. She was just about to suggest that instead of chasing a small, black cat through a deep, dark forest, they stopped and picked a random kitten up from the farm they'd passed only hours before, when Zedd's eyes lit up with a peculiar gleam.

"Perhaps what we need is for me to somehow conjure up Schrodinger's mouse to tempt Schrodinger's cat," he suggested. "Tempt the wee beast, as it were."

Cara rolled her eyes again. It was obviously going to be a long night.

The End

fic genre: crack!fic, challenge: legendland, fic fandom: legend of the seeker, fic: all, fandom: legend of the seeker, fic genre: general

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