Fic - More Legendland bingo fills (various)

Dec 27, 2012 13:28

Title: Rose Red
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Kahlan/Richard
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 300
Author's Notes: Written for my bingo square 'love in the roses' for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: The scent of roses is the smell of home.


The roses of Aydindril bloom thick and fragrant each summer, climbing the walls of the Wizards' Keep and cloaking it in an array of deep reds and pinks. When the wind blows in the right direction, the subtle scent of them wafts through the streets, calming the fractious and bringing a moment's ease to the stressed.

In the midst of summer, when the sun is hottest and at its highest in the sky, the warm, scented breezes bring the sweet fragrance of roses to the door of the Confessors' Palace, and the doors are flung wide open to welcome it in.

To Kahlan, the scent of roses will always smell like home.

She and Richard travel to Aydindril not long after they have defeated the Keeper, to check with the Council and to foster the peace. The days are long, stretching out endlessly in the summer's heat while she oversees bickering dignitaries and Richard forges alliances for D'Hara that will hopefully last past autumn's chill.

But the nights are theirs alone. When dusk falls and silence settles over the city, the heat sapping everyone of their strength until the cooler night air can revive it, she and Richard retreat to her chambers where she throws open the windows as wide as she can.

The scent of roses fills the air the first time Richard takes her to bed, lowering her onto soft, welcoming pillows and sinking into her body as though that's where he belongs. Blood stains the sheets, blossoming like petals, and she feels fulfilled, reborn anew, all of her defences unfurling in the face of Richard's love.

She finds her release in Richard's strong arms, in the warmth of his kisses, and she finds her peace in the scent of the roses that welcome her home.

The End


Title: Crossing the Boundary
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Kahlan, gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 216
Author's Notes: Written for my bingo square 'crossing the line' for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: The Boundary that separates the Midlands from the Westlands pulses with the malevolent power of the Underworld


The Boundary that separates the Midlands from the Westlands pulses with the malevolent power of the Underworld. Like all that Rahl has touched, all that he is drawn to, it is tainted, for all that it was designed to keep him out. He cannot resist attempting to defeat it, cannot stand the idea that it sits on the edges of the territories that he's conquered and keeps him from victory complete, but this is one thing over which he is yet powerless, and for that Kahlan is thankful.

The Quad is close behind her, and she cannot linger, cannot let fear rule her or prevent her from carrying out her appointed task. Grief for her sister lies heavy in her chest, but she does not let that distract her. Instead, she hardens her heart, silences her fear, steps forward with Shar's light gleaming in her hand and the Book of Shadows clutched closely to her.

Dennee's death - the ultimate sacrifice - will not be in vain. She will find the One True Seeker and he will triumph, bringing an end to Rahl's cruelty, his dominion over the people she serves.

She strides forth, the green light of the Boundary parting towards her, and steps into the future, one that will be better than the present she hopes.

The End


Title: Landfall
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Cara, Zedd, implied Cara/Dahlia, AU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 436
Author's Notes: Written for my bingo square 'stranded in the storm' for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: The Boundary that separates the Midlands from the Westlands pulses with the malevolent power of the Underworld


The Dread Pirate Cara surveyed the horizon, her eyes narrowed dangerously. (While the horizon wasn't really all that threatening, she was good at narrowing her eyes dangerously. It seemed a pity to keep such a skill only for Sunday best.)

"Is there a storm coming, Cap'n?" asked her First Mate, Zeddicus Z'ul Zorander. His long nose was twitching curiously, his fingers fiddling impatiently with a hank of rope as he scanned the horizon, looking for whatever had caught her attention. "Or a ship?" he added hopefully.

She could understand the tone in his voice - it had been a while since they'd had anything fun to plunder or pillage, and he was starting to grow a bit flabby, all those persimmons he insisted on gobbling down, no doubt.

"A storm," she said decisively, even though there was nary a cloud on the horizon. "A bad one. We should probably head for the nearest port. Just in case."

Zedd cast a doubtful look in her direction, but he was too wary of her skill with the swords - and the sharp edge to her tongue - to challenge her openly, although there was no constraining his sarcasm.

"Of course, Cap'n," he agreed. "We wouldn't want to end up shipwrecked or stranded for several days on an island paradise with lots of nubile young women, would we? And talking of nubile young women," he added, his tone obviously trying - and failing - for nonchalant, "what was the name of that darling girl who runs the bar in our nearest port? Dahlia was it?"

She shot him a look, but his face was an expression of pure innocence.

"Stick to your chickens, old man," she said shortly, and he snorted. "There's nothing wrong with heading to port and stocking up on supplies while we can."

"I'm sure stockings will come into it. Was it silk stockings we got in the last cargo we snatched?"

She narrowed her eyes again, aiming the look at him this time instead of the horizon.

"Just make for port, you old fool," she snapped, earning herself a grin in return. "Or it will be fifty lashes for you."

"Only if Mistress Denna has a slot free at short notice," he replied wistfully. And then he stepped away from her, barking out orders to the sailors on deck to tack for shore, leaving Cara to scan the horizon for her first sight of land.

He had a point though - she was sure that Dahlia really would like the feel of silk stockings sliding over her skin, and Cara was very much looking forward to introducing her to them.

The End


Title: Ice Cold
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Cara, Cara/Leo
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 318
Author's Notes: Written for my wild card bingo square for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: No matter how high a price the Sisters of the Dark paid, it wasn't high enough.


Kahlan's eyes are kind and Cara can't bear to see them. She turns her head away, staring stonily at the bodies scattered around her.

The Sisters of the Dark have paid a heavy price for their treachery, but Cara isn't foolish enough to think that their scheming will stop here. The Keeper, their Master, won't stop until all life is extinguished.

Like Leo's life has been extinguished.

No matter how high a price the Sisters of the Dark paid, it wasn't high enough. And now Kahlan's life is threatened, all because of a thrice damned prophecy.

Cara doesn't believe in fate. Life is what you make of it, not predetermined. If Richard saves the world it will be because he's Richard, not because of the ramblings of the mad. Richard isn't fated to save the world and Leo wasn't fated to die.

When Cara turns back, Kahlan only has eyes for Richard and her smile lights up the world. She should be happy for them but instead the sight of their joy at being reunited leaves a sad and bitter taste in her mouth. She swallows it down and feels it settle like a stone in her belly.

She's not one for regrets but she regrets this, more than she ever thought she would.

Zedd has prepared the pyre and Leo's body catches alight, burning hot and bright until Cara cannot bear the heat of it on her skin.

But her heart still feels like ice.

The End


Title: Starlight
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Shota, gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 295
Author's Notes: Written for my bingo square 'power is addictive' for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: Power is seductive.


The power sings through Shota, winding each way through every one of her veins, a slow and seductive crawl over her skin.

She opens her eyes and sees stars, the universe stretching out before her, every possibility laid out clearly: the past, the present, the future. It's dizzying, too much for her to take in, and she closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

It fills her lungs, cold to the point of burning, until she thinks that the pain will grow unbearable, that she'll never breathe again. But still she doesn't let go - instead she drinks in that power more deeply, letting it fill her up, letting herself go until she fades and only the power remains.

When it finally recedes, washing her up onto the shores of consciousness like flotsam after a storm, she is left gasping, cold and shivering, the faint traces of power etched on her skin. It sparkles silver in the moonlight, harsh and beautiful, before it sinks more deeply into her and fades entirely from view.

She can still feel it, though, curling like snakes beneath the surface, the dry rasp of scales echoing in her ears just like stars still burn in her vision.

She smiles, her skin prickling at the feel of it, and Samuel - dear, faithful, dog-like Samuel - takes a step back, his face paling at the sight of her.

Good. He's always been cowed by her power, and now it's the turn of the rest of this world to see the truth of her, to finally understand that the power wielded by witches can be as astounding as any that has been wizard-wrought.

She is Shota, Witch of Agaden Reach, and soon the whole of the Midlands will know her name and fear it.

The End


Title: I Should Cocoa
Author: alyse
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Character: Cara, gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 285
Author's Notes: Written for my bingo square 'cocoa around the campfire' for
legendland bingo card.

Summary: The things Cara does for the people she loves.


Cara stared suspiciously down into the cup she held in her hand. The colour of the liquid swirling around it gave it the appearance of watered down mud, although the scent that rose from the brew was mildly appealing.

She took another cautious sniff, wrinkling her nose up as she inhaled something that managed to be both rich and bitter at the same time.

"I can't believe," Zedd was wittering as he pottered around the campfire, "that you have never had cocoa before, my dear."

"Mord'Sith don't drink cocoa," she said automatically, swirling the liquid around in her cup. There were patches of darkness and light in it, as though whatever powder Zedd had poured into the warm milk (and Mord'Sith most definitely did not drink warm milk either) hadn't mixed completely. She poked it cautiously with her spoon, glancing up in time to catch Zedd smiling at her encouragingly.

She scowled at him, but it didn't seem to dampen his enthusiasm any.

"Well," he said, just as encouragingly, as though she was a child who needed coaxing. "Try it."

She took a sip, her lip curling at the bitter taste.

"Hmmm. Perhaps some more sugar, then," Zedd said, brow furrowed thoughtfully as he burrowed through his pack. "Some people do need a little sweetening."

Richard choked down what had to be a chuckle, but when she turned her head to glare at him, his face was a picture of innocence. Kahlan, on the other hand, was beaming at her, her expression dewy.

Cara scowled again, forcing down another gulp of liquid before Zedd could add yet more stuff to it.

The things she did for her Lord Rahl. She only hoped it was appreciated.

The End


challenge: legendland, fic fandom: legend of the seeker, fic: all, fic genre: femslash, fandom: legend of the seeker, fic genre: het, fic genre: gen

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