Title: Hunting Haiku
Author: alyse
Fandom: Is a secret, but will be obvious.
Spoilers (highlight to read): Loony Tunes
Rating: 15
Word Count: 103
Disclaimer: Not mine
Author's Notes: Written for
mmom, because I threatened told
moonlettuce that I would write this pairing.
Summary: Hunting, in haiku form.
The wind howls outside
Desolation in his heart,
a barren wasteland.
Shame blackens his soul;
pictures of long legs, bright eyes,
lips red as cherries.
They dance in his mind
tormenting him with a
pert, fluffy behind.
He strokes and shudders
picturing his nemesis,
dolled up and perfect.
Clinched wasp-tight waist
pushes up the be-furred chest
he wants to caress.
Warm words in his ear,
as a white gloved hand grips tight,
breathing, "What's up, Doc?"
He opens his eyes,
strokes his weapon, shoots his load,
Bugs' name on his lips.
For Elmer Fudd there's
nothing more intense than this -
hunting the rabbit.