Jan 31, 2008 23:45
I spent a good part of today helping FedEx get off of my driveway. Although the temperature finally went significantly above freezing at my house, there still was 4 inches or so of snow over most of the driveway. Yesterday I managed to get the truck stuck partway down the driveway as we tried to go out to run an Egil's meeting. I have chains for the truck but the directions I have for putting them on are exceedingly useless, and I don't know how to put them on correctly, as evidenced by the fact that they kept falling off. Today, I was going to go down and see if I could get the truck out, when I got a call from the FedEx driver who was stuck on my driveway, right in front of my truck. Fortunately I got the truck moving and out of the way, then I used the tractor to clear the driveway in front of the FedEX truck completely, After clearing the driveway, I had to pull the FedEx truck up the last bit of the driveway, as they kept slipping in points. Once we made it to the top they got stuck again and the tractor couldn't gain enough traction on the gravel to pull them out. I ended up using the winch on the Jeep to pull the back end of the truck around 90 degrees so that they could go back down the driveway facing forward, then went ahead of them with the tractor to clear the rest of the driveway and make sure they could get out. In all I spent about 2 1/2 hours getting the FedEx truck off my driveway so that Amy and I could finally get out of the house. At this point the driveway is clear and hopefully it will stay that way through the weekend.
We did make it out though and made it to the A&S night, which was fun.
fedex snow