Egil's is Over! (Almost...)

May 29, 2007 19:22

Well, it's finally over and tonight I get to sleep in my own bed.  We've pulled the last of the baronial stuff off of the Egil's site today (except for the haybales, but they'll be done tomorrow) and everything has gone better than I could have imagined.  The weather was great, for the most part, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely.  When the even started drawing near, I was feeling that I never, ever want to autocrat anything ever again, but now that it's over, I think I've changed my mind somewhat.  Egil's, in its current form is a beast to put on, with a great need for volunteers and staff, while at the same time, we never have enough people.  For me, the best thing was my staff for this year.  I've been exceedingly happy with the majority of them, as they did an absolutely incredible job.  Stephan had parking beautifully laid out and organized, Drake and Missy were amazing with getting people set up for camping, Lord Vin der Vloed did a fantastic job, as usual as mech-o-cron (unfortunately for the last time it sounds like) and Grian saved our collective behinds by stepping in to run the heavy tournaments so I didn't have to worry about them.  Finally Johann, whose first event was Egil's, exactly 1 year ago, did a great job as my co-autocrat.  There were some rough spots where he didn't know or understand some detail of SCA law or tradition, but for the most part, everything went great.

On my end, I did manage to get my pavilion done (as well as new chirurgeon and pied piper pavilions) in time and it is glorious having a "period" tent.  There's a few minor things to finish on it, but but probably not more than a couple of hours work, aside from painting it, that is.  I didn't get any new clothes made (at least for me... having a co-autocrat and his spouseocrat borrowing clothes from Gold Key seemed a bit out of place) but I hope to get some done here soon.  Now that Egil's is mostly over I can finally start on all my AE (After Egil's) projects, such as laundry, mowing my own lawn and not the site, and cleaning my house.

Tomorrow though, Our Chamberlain, Drake and I will be doing a complete photo inventory of the Baronial storage unit before putting all of the Barony's stuff back into it so that we have a clue as to what's there.  It's also about time to have a baronial garage sale or something to get rid of some of the stuff we don't need or even want to store.  Well, now I'm off to watch mindless TV and eat popcorn!
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