Jun 03, 2009 21:33
Ok so the last few days have been a bit of a roller coaster.
This last weekend was a remarkable pain in the ass because were understaffed for the opening weekend of UP.
Here's the thing: when a big movie opens, people go spend a lot of money at the movies. Then they leave the theater and think "I just spent a shit-ton of money. Cheap food seems like the best option." which then turns into "OOO Tacos!" *sigh* stupid stupid stupid. that and, on top of that, we had a decent number of assholes this weekend who threw shit fits over moronic things.
Drove out to Buffalo Monday with Jade. Brian, Scott and Julia had gone out there to get Brian's comp back from Ashley saturday night. It was kind of like a mini-vacation for them. We talked for a few weeks about Jade and I coming up at least one of the days to hang out and do stuff. We kept it very hush hush exactly because of what happened.
Ashley threw a fit at Brian when she found out Jade and I (but mostly me) were coming. I haven't been out to that area in a long time and we had talked about going to Dave and Buster's because i loved that place the one time i went. Accusing him of trying to force her to hang out with me (which btw how does that work? Did he have a gun to her head? was she tied up in his trunk? No) AND alleged that I stalked her for a year online, which why would I bother? And here's a shiny thought: how would she even think that unless she was basically stalking me?
I was ready to act like an adult and actually spend time near her, even though the last time we spoke she insulted my counselor, my counselor's profession, and basically everything I'm building my life towards.
And If someone can explain to me how IMing and texting someone insanely and telling them to stop harassing you while they don't reply makes sense, I'd love to hear it. Brian blocked her everywhere once she started tearing into him and our friends, then she started texting him like crazy and he had to ignore his phone. How do you demand that someone stop harassing you when that's EXACTLY what you're doing??
Oh, and wanna hear something amazing?
I'm a lesbian, okay? Which means what? I like WOMEN.
Yet Ashley accused Brian of cheating on Julia with ME!!!
And when he reminded her that I was gay, she just said "Gay for you, maybe!!!" I LOLed when he told me about that because it doesn't even make sense. Unless, of course, Brian or I switched genders while I wasn't looking. ha. Ha. HA.
Aside from Ashley drama (which we no longer have to deal with from what I understand), the day went well. We got lost going back from Dave and Buster's to the Red Roof, but it was pretty fun. got a $10 game card at D&B and shared it with Jade, then pooled all the tickets together and put them on my card. I wish we had had more time, but there's always next time!
OK.... now that i'm done with that, I should head to bed soon.
Workin' 8-230 tomorrow. good times and all that.
Get ahold of me if ya wanna. Call, text, IM me. anyone who should know my number does.