Hi you there!! I think some of the point of some of the best sixties music was to go between the lines--it wasn't about being instructional, it was about offering an opening through which to see something different, or something recognizble in a different light-- to understand something through an experience that is sort of between the lines. So though it is fine to go in retrospect and analyze or try to explain, it sort of defeats the purpose to ask the artist to do so. He/she gave you the painting, as it were. Now go see what you make of it. The Beatles used to say the same thing. They also used to refuse to tell people what to do. They were arguably the most popular people on earth for awhile and had such power, but what they said was that their message was not to tell people how to think, but to show people that they could swim for themselves, think for themselves.
Sometimes Dylan's imagery just blows me away. Where did it come from? He paints these pictures, that are sort of from these surreal settings, and yet they totally are of this world. They totally bring forth feelings that are recognizable, insights that are touchable and usable. NOt just of fantasy. I think I have some cds I can send you copies of, if you'd like. I just loved the Raconteurs and Flaming Lips you sent to me. (:
Sometimes Dylan's imagery just blows me away. Where did it come from? He paints these pictures, that are sort of from these surreal settings, and yet they totally are of this world. They totally bring forth feelings that are recognizable, insights that are touchable and usable. NOt just of fantasy. I think I have some cds I can send you copies of, if you'd like. I just loved the Raconteurs and Flaming Lips you sent to me. (:
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