May 10, 2007 22:14
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I just finished my first week at my new job. I am a counter girl at Merritt's Bakery and the only blonde one at that! It is a fun job and the company (from what I have seen and heard so far) takes good care of it's employees. I only wish that I could work there for more than just the summer but, alas, they are a "Tulsa Only" store. :( However, I think that I am going to enjoy my time there and my co-workers seem to be a fun group of girls. The only down side is that they make the counter girls wear a PINK shirt as part of the uniform. *BLAH!!*
School is finished (Praise ALLAH!) and I past chem 2 with a C which means that I get to keep my scholarship. ^_^ Also, I won't have to take summer school! :)
On the other end of things, Faire has begun and is in full swing! We opened last weekend and had a OK start. Saturday was weird and slow. For me, it just felt like a glorified dress rehersal but Sunday picked up and was much more enjoyable. I had some great interactions on sunday with some patrons and was very tickled when the two girls came back to the gypsy camp later in the day just to see me! (I'm starting to have groupies ^_^) It was a real booster to my confidence that I must be doing something right. ... I do feel more comfortable this year but I know that I still have a long way to go... The gypsies are AMAZING this year. Plus the two new girls, chara and disarona(spelling?), fit right in and seem like they have been doing this for years!
I think that this year will be full of surprises and many learning experiances.
Also, as a side note, Sunday I had a friend of mine that I have been sweet on for a long time show up and brought me a white carnation! Needless to say, I was VERY happy the rest of the day! ^_^