30 things...

Sep 21, 2004 22:25

1.)what did your clever parents name you?(in full version, thanks much) Robyn Alwin Moulton (Later legally changed to Robyn Allynne Hukvari)

2.)if you had any say whatsoever in what you would be named, what would you have named yourself? Eh.. I kinda like my first and middle names as they are. But if I had to choose something, I'd choose Alyka. And some kind of meaningful surname.

3.)-for meat eaters-when at bbq's, what do you prefer on your hot dog? ketchup, mustard, grey poupon, relish, sourkraut, or OTHER? ....I don't eat hot dogs. They taste like a frog's non-existant ass.

4.)what is your overall opinion of veggie burgers? EXPLAIN. ...Fucking Vegans. I hope they all get trampled by the cows they refused to eat.

5.)how do you like to dance at dance clubs or school dances? do you get down with your funky self? I try to have fun, and usually end up making an idiot of myself.

6.)is the purpose of going to a dance to sit down the entire time talking to your friends OR searching around for a cute dance partner and having a damn good time? I go to socialize, listen to music, and hit on random guys.

7.)where do you see yourself in 10 years? ...Even more miserable than I am now.

8.)what kind of relationship are you looking for or currently in? Anything that doesn't entirely involve sex.

9.)are you really really really sexy? According to 9 out of 10 guys who wouldn't dare to hope for anything better.

10.) and is sugar ray only really sexy? Uhh.. Next.

11.) let's say that two days from now the world were to end...what would you spend your last hours doing? (FULL DETAIL PLEASE) I'd personally find myself a good fuck and do him. Then, I'd tell everyone I know what I think about them. Mostly negative things. Total impending obliteration would kinda put me into a spiteful mood.

12.)if you could change a character flaw, which would you change and why? The one where I let people down all the time.

13.)how do you consider your place within society? Mediocre. Or however it's spelled. I want to be a hero, a legend... but there's no way of doing that in this day and age.


14.)trance: A state of mind

15.)yellow: Submarine

16.)paneling: Walls

17.)pebble: Gravel

18.)portal: An ethereal door, of some kind

19.)crochet: ....Heh, does reading it wrong at first count? *snicker*

20.)cocoa: Hot chocolate


21.)"best friend" has become a superficial term over the years, so how would you describe your closest friends and how much they mean to you. They mostly understand me, and they care. That's all I really require.

22.)what annoys you about people in general? Everything.

23.)are you sterotyped? Nah, I'm in a class of my own and everyone who knows me acknowledges this.

24.)what do you enjoy doing best with friends on a friday night? Hanging out.

25.) do you prefer short talk or deep conversations? Deep stuff, mostly.

26.)who can you spill your feelings to and feel completely relieved afterwards? Jeff, Daniel, Amber... possibly Chris.

27.)how would you describe yourself in relation to others? In relation to the general populace, I'm vastly superior. In relation to my friends, we all have our own little niches.

28.)do you like double dares and flash light tag? Eh.. I don't play stupid games like that.

29.)if your friends were transformed into animals, what would they be? describe each of your closest friends in terms of animals;) be nice... ...Amber's a fox/wolf/kitsune. Something. Chris is long and thin, either a stick bug or a giraffe. Sam's a St. Bernard: Big, cuddly, and lazy. Daniel... I wanna say Hobbit... but those aren't animals!... Next! Jeff... Hmm... Something cuddly and sweet, yet independent... A KITTEN!!

30.)what's a quote that means a lot to you or represents you or your outlook on life? "You are simply a horrible little creature. I pray for your quick and merciful death." - White Mage, from 8-bit Theatre. It doesn't mean much, except that I'd like lots of people to die... but I'm too nice to want them to die painfully.
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