Feb 25, 2006 15:49
Ok for those of you who dont know jason was staying with shannon and they had a nice apt off of 64. I was also staying there. Everything was going well until Jason stopped showing up for 2 weeks. Then he comes in one day clears out all of his shit and tells me he is moving to chicago with his brother but that was a lie the whole time he was here it was a lie and he would not answer emails or calls made to his phone. He ows about 800 in rent and said he would give it to us at red hot and blue at 4 that day and we showed up and he never did. So we went to his moms house and she didnt know wtf was going on ends up jason was lieing to his mom as well and he said that he would be a lil short on rent due to the fact he had to buy a plane ticket which we found out his mom bought. He then wrote me a myspace message saying the following
" the sad thing about you not wanting to hang out with anyone that hangs out with me is that everyone hangs out with me and everyone tells me all that is said about me. and yes everyone knows about what i did and they all laugh and say oh well. in fact thats the main reason no one is telling you guys were i am staying and no its not the obvious place, but i will be happy to let you know that when you realise why myself ,and everyone else, does not care about what happens to shannon, you will be welcome to party with us again. you have allready missed some good ones .to bad you had to be involved in it "
For those of you that are going behind my back and shannons telling him everything im saying fuck you. Im sorry if i want to find out where he is staying so shannon might be able to get her money back. I dont want to know so Will will kill him or anything. And for those of you who knew what he did to shannon and you laughed let me know who you bitches are and ill make sure i never see or talk to you again. And who is all the people that dont care about shannon i know jason doesnt and ben doesnt but i can give to shits less about those 2 people. What is the problem with shannon you say that when i do not care what happens to shannon i can go to partys with you guys again. You really think i care. I dont want to be at partys with ass holes and back stabbers. I want to be with acuall people that arnt like you guys so fuck you all who think the same way as jason and hold a grudge against shannon. Oh and sorry you guys are to scared to say the shit to us instead you hide and pretend like nothing happend