Pink stapler

Apr 04, 2012 18:17

I have a pink stapler. Its cool.

The semester is almost over yaayyyy. I'm taking my elementary education test on the 14th and I plan on passing it!!

I know I'm student teaching in Birmingham - my 1st choice for district. I met with the assistant principal of one of the schools and she also places the student teachers for the district. After break this week she'll get in contact with the teachers who expressed interest in having a student teacher and she'll find someone for me. I'll know the week of April 23. weeee!! I'm excited and nervous for this.

For my endometriosis fun my doctor started me on a progesterone pill. Two weeks on the pill and I have stopped taking it because the side effects suck. I had a headache one day - thats not bad - I have a surprise period, I was dizzy/lightheaded for a day, mood swings (crying for 20 mins for no reason. no thanks), and I was constantly hungry. I can deal with most of those things except for the mood swings and hunger. I called my gyno's office Tuesday but hes out of town until next week. I talked with a nurse and she said a lot of people have bad reactions to progesterone and its okay to stop it if I want. Shes going to have him call me when he gets back. The only upside to the pill was that on my surprise period, I only had the stabby pain one day. But the side effects suck more than the pain. So, I'm guessing we'll just go with surgery :p

I booked my trip to Australia!! I bought the plane tickets, reserved the hostel and rental car for Brisbane and I've begun making my packing list :D

Lots of traveling this summer. May I'm going to Tennessee for my cousin's graduation, June is Australia and August I'm going to Mall of America with my mom, her friend, my friend, and my friend's mom.

I'm getting a pretty sweet tax refund and I'm going to use it to buy an ipad and maybe i'll have some left over to go visit Becc (steph's sister) in Louisiana for a weekend.

I've lost about 35 pounds since August. I couple weekends ago I went through all my clothes and I got rid of 4 bags of clothes that were too big :DDD

Now I'm pretty much wasting time until I get to leave. I'm at work and we had 5:30 and 6:30 appointments. Lyle is still with the 5:30 and the 6:30 isn't here yet so I have to stay. Oh well. Money!

!!teacher testing, ~endometrosis is lame, !student teaching, !!!!!australia, !random, !school

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