Epic update post

Oct 08, 2010 22:08

 What has been going on? A lot has. Nice that I answered my own question.

Last Friday I went to Dave and Buster's for my friend's birthday get together. It was really fun and it was only the second time I'd been there. I ended up winning 2600 tickets. WOOT!

Then I ended up staying up until 7am Saturday morning. I was RPing with Phoebe and playing scifiland bingo and then Steph, my twin was on! So i was also talking to her and catching up. She lives in Australia so it wasn't nearly as late for her. Then it was 7am and I was like hmmm. maybe I should go to sleep.

I only slept 3 hours. Bad idea. ADD combined with 3 hours sleep = waaaay more easily distracted. It took me 7 hours to make my Grey's 7.02 icons lol. As a point of reference it usually takes an hour, maybe two.

Monday, after interviews on the Thursday before and that Monday we finally picked a new new new girl. Her name is Krista and shes really nice. I hope she stays because I'm getting really tired of training people. I've been training her this week and she seems to be doing well. She also works at Staples and she says things that make me think shes totes going to stay. Like I was telling her how Kim and Amanda both just quit and I hope she stays around and she said she hopes so too. And like she might not stay at staples and look for another part time job and she was saying how they would have to work it around this job. Like heck yes, Krista, you're awesomesauce.

Tuesday I went to my field again. Stacey, my cooperating teacher, was like I have to do DRA (reading level) testing and while I'm doing that you're going to run language arts. And she gave me the lit book. I was to have them read aloud this story and stop them at certain points and ask the questions that were in certain points during the story. She left me with the lit book to look it over before hand and headed to her team meeting (the kids were at specials). I freaked out. I thought I was going to screw it up and ruin the kids and I'd just fail at everything.

So it came time for me to do this and the kids started. One kid would read then when they didn't want to anymore, they'd pick on someone else and so on. And I'd stop them to ask the questions when we came on them. I realize I don't really know how to tell a student they have the wrong answer. I'm sure I'll learn as I go but like one student had the wrong interpretation and I was like um not really buuuut and i asked another kid and was like yep. As it went on i started feeling more comfortable...plus with ADD I was getting antsy so i started moving around the room with the book as they read.

Stacey stopped me after we'd been reading for like an hour and a half (OMG) and let them have snack. She said I did really well which is awesome because I was so freaked out lol. Then I headed to school to take my tuesday class test hehe.

The test? omg. The people in my tuesday class are also in my thursday class. I've been sitting with the girls who were in my presentation group for the thursday class. Sarah knows a guy who took these classes already and he gave her his tests to get a feel for what the Tuesday class tests would be like. She made Caitlyn and I a copy so that we could look at it too. It turns out the test we got Tuesday was exactly the same. How awesome is that?!

I went to the dentist yesterday. I have a hot dentist :D (hes the one in the dark blue scrubs) but i just had to get a cleaning and I have no cavities!!

I had surgery in May to remove a cyst that was on my right fallopian tube. Before the surgery the area on the right side of my pelvis would hurt on and off. Since the surgery my period has been regular, because until then it wasn't. That was until this month. I'm 10 days late so far (and I'm like 200% sure I'm not pregnant), the same area was hurting the same way the other day and a little today...and even though i know it doesn't help, I rubbed the spot and I felt a lumpy...thing. And this lumpy thing is not felt on the left side. i called my Addie doctor today. My regular doctor wasn't in today so I left a message for the doctor who did my surgery to call back. A nurse ended up calling me back and she was like yeah pelvic pain esp with my history I need to come in. I'm getting an ultrasound on Wednesday and then seeing the doctor. I'm not worried about like if I have to get another surgery - I know what to expect with it now. I'm more worried because I can feel something and last time I definitely couldn't.

And then today I got home to find out one of my geckos had died. I have a lot of geckos - 7 (now 6) leopard geckos, 4 crested geckos, and 2 african fat tail geckos...i breed leopard geckos. Bug, my male albino leopard gecko died and I have no idea why because he was fine. He was eating...and it looked like his tail got smaller (leos store their fat in their tails)...i have no clue what happened so I'm taking him to the vet to get a necropsy. :/ All the other geckos seem fine and lets hope they stay that way.

My sister did my hair tonight and it took a few hours lol. She had to clarify it to removed all the "shit" from my hair. Then she colored it and then she cut and styled it :D

OH! I won at bothshonda_land  bingos today! I was 4th in the first game and 1st in the second. Team En Fuego rocked that bitch! Me and flipflop_diva  won in the first game (woot woot mods!) and me, sweetbalm  and hookedupforfun  got 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the second game. WAY TO GO EN FUEGO!

So I think thats all for now lol

+aaahhhh!!!, -dentist, !!team en fuego is the best, ~omg update, !ramble, +shondaland, !school, -work, +field placement

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