Day 4: Favorite Couple

Jun 18, 2010 18:15

 I have three favorite couples. Deal with it :)



They are Grey's. Their relationship has been a roller coaster of the show. They got together, broke up (when Addie came), got back together, broke up again (so he could be the better guy), got back together again, broke up a third time (at Cristina's non-wedding), sort of got back together but broke up (because he couldn't breathe for her), and then finally got back together for good. And they're married. Its all I ever wanted for them. Some people say they're boring now but they're happy and happy is good.

Cristina and Owen


OMG they are so intense. He trached a guy with a pen (which she found hot), stapled his own leg without anesthesia, pulled out her icicle, kissed her before he left. He may be messed up and have issues with PTSD but they love each other so intensely. They have amazingly hot kisses and sexytime scenes and i believe they'd do anything for the other - just look at Owen in the OR with Cris during the finale.

Mark and Teddy


In the beginning of Teddy's time here they seemed like a very, very unlikely couple - he's McSteamy in love with Lexie, she's a badass cardio god in love with Owen - but then he asked her out and I fell in love. They're perfect for each other, appropriate for each other, and want the same things. Not to mention, they're srsly hot in bed. I hope to see more if them in season 7 and if not, I write fanfic and i have rp.

+25 days of grey's anatomy, ship: mark and teddy, ship: merder, ship: co, ship: cristina and owen

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