I feel so junior high filling these out, but hey, I like them! Just get to know me a little better!
last place you were: the beach with my Husky Piccolos!
- last thing you ate: probably tonkatsu last night- homemade!
- last beverage: h20 and a really rasperry-y tall raspberry mocha from Starbucks
- last tv show watched: oh, Full House- picc retreat!
- last movie seen: k, we had movies running all weekend: Monsters Inc, Phone Booth, Breakfast Club, Center Stage, Wedding Planner, Mr. Holland's Opus, Mean Girls, Incredibles
- last phone call: Kayla, but I didn't talk to her...i was laying on the floor at the time...
- last song played: oh shoot, I don't remember what it's called but it was in Shauna's car driving back from retreat
- last bubble bath: well i was in the hot tub a couple times this weekend
- last time you cried: I was pretending to cry cause I felt like it one day and got some real tears...but other than that probably about two months ago on Kayla's shirt
8 have you ever.
-have you ever dated someone twice: no
-have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Well, not at the time, but now, HELL YEAH!
-have you ever fallen in love: nope
-have you ever been depressed: yes, but not clinically
-have you ever been drunk and thrown up: Drunk, but not thrown up...although last night I felt a little sick, but I think that's just cause I was really full
-have you ever hit another person: playfully
7 states you’ve been to:
-Nevada (Las Vegas!!!)
-New York- upstate and the city
6 things you've done today.
-helped clean up a beach house
-drove back from the beach
-went to Starbucks
-had a relatively intense conversation about college with one of my best friends
-hugged a bunch of piccolos!
-sang along to Rent
5 favorite things
-My great friends!
-Harry Potter
-FRIENDS the tv show
-England/British accents
-The Smile (really on anyone, not just me!)
4 people you can tell pretty much anything to
-a lot of the time Courtney
It's weird how this list has DEFINITELY changed from high school
3 favorite colors
2 things you want to do before you die
-play in a full famous symphony
-have a REAL relationship
1 thing you regret:
-telling people things when it is none of their business (i get a little bit of the big-mouth syndrome, although I am better now! Don't think you can't tell me things, because I can keep secrets!)
Okay, that was fun!
I still have a little bit of a headache...it really is a good thing I ate SO MUCH food yesterday, because even Alysa was surprised at how many of those lemon drops and jello I had last night...oh well, what a good time! It was really fun and we were all safe and everything. I love my piccolos! Great bonding time!
Tomorrow is 24 day! Maybe Alysa and I will make some more yummy food...we'll see! There better be a new Grey's on tonight, because I am getting sucked in and frustrated. West Wing at 8, holler!
Oh p.s. Erika found a crab shell and we named it Sam, and I have a sand dollar named Lucas...but I left it in Shauna's car! Can you bring it to band tomorrow my lovely? Thank you!