Dec 18, 2006 19:57
Whatever, I'm done with worrying about when I update, cause then it just becomes like a diary and that's just annoying. But reading my last entry, it reminded me that apparently Cooper and I go and get coffee (among other times) right before breaks cause I met her for coffee before I went home for winter break. But we met on the day of the storm and I had to walk from my dorm all the way to our normal coffee place on 43rd, but it was TORRENTIAL rain, like movie rain, and there were rivers in the streets, so I was SOAKED and I didn't even have to walk that far. I took off the sweatshirt I was wearing (Ok, well it was Kayla's, but whatever) and put it on the back of my chair and literally dripped GIANT puddles on Starbuck's floor. I felt so bad! But luckily it was a cement floor so it wasn't as bad as if it was carpet. Becca and I went and had coffee for 4 hours, it was insane but great of course!
I haven't had power for four days now and I'm going insane. It's so cold, and all I can do is read. My iPod will die on me every couple of days and so will my phone and I can't even find my charger for my laptop what with all the boxes in my room so I'm using my sister's. Speaking of sisters, I really want to go down and see Abby; she's fixed me a lot lately and I'd like to go down and see her and the rest of the family and baby Lynzy, who I haven't even seen yet!
I'm so sick of looking for houses. Not cause I don't necessarily even have any leads, it's just annoying. I think I find a good place, and then it doesn't work out. I have a place I'm looking at right now, but I really can't get my hopes up to high cause things have fallen through so many times before. Argh! I still have another appoinment to look at a place this week, but whatever, it's so much more of a pain when I'm not out in Seattle. Whatever, I'm just hanging out at home till I go back to school!
Happy Holidays!
Love, Lys
winter break,