All I can pray.

Apr 17, 2009 20:57

As some of you have already know, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3-C Ovarian Cancer. This is extremely advanced and almost to the final and irrevocable stage. She was diagnosed on New Year's Eve and has been taking Chemo and fighting just as hard as she can since then.

She's been doing remarkably well, I have to say. She's dropped the cancer cells in her body from 3000 to 39. The main problem is that she seems to be slightly allergic to the Chemo. The treatments have built up in her system and now she's back in the hospital, unable to keep food down and just so very weak. She's starting to get despondant and we are all just so damn scared.

I pray and I pray, and God is answering those prayers, but he is the Lord and if he wants her, nothing can stop that. How do I live without her, though? How do any of us? She is the sun we all rotate around, that bright light in all our lives that keeps us going. She's our hope, our comfort, and our joy. How do say goodbye to hope and joy?

She's my best friend. God, please don't take her away from us.

I'm sorry to unleash all of this here, but I needed to vent and explain why my stories are all suddenly not be worked on. Also, to those I owe art to, I will try to get to it eventually, but please understand I have a family to care for with Mama being sick, Dad falling apart, and my little brother being disabled. I have a lot of responsibilities right now. I hope to update them eventually, but they are far from being first priority.

And by the way everyone, I just received an email warning about a new email virus. I have pasted the message below and ask that you pass it around.




Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!

If you get an email along the lines of 'Osama Bin Laden Captured' or 'Osama Hanged', don't open the attachment.
< /B>
This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel

Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.


You should be alert during the next days:
Do not open any message with an attached file called 'Invitation' regardless of who sent it.

It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts.

It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it
If you receive a mail called 'invitation', though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately.

This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.

This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.

This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.

news, cancer, my life

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