How I Spent My Valentine's Day: A Picture Post

Feb 14, 2009 20:01

Being single, I tend to hate this day. I know: it's just a Hallmark holiday, blah blah blah. That's fine and great, but when I see those huge stuffed animals with cute hearts on them being lugged about by happy girls or their doting boyfriends (or various significant others), reasoning doesn't exactly help, yanno?

Luckily for me, I have parents who love me and never fail to get me a really sentimental card (I'm a sucker for sappy cards), chocolate and a cute bear. This year was no different, and I started my day off with a cup of coffee (perhaps spiced with a shot of Carolans Irish Cream) while I snuggled my newest stuffed animal and ignored picture texts from my friends with boyfriends (who were texting to show me their gifts, those bitches).

My bear.

My chocolate.
Now, I had decided to stay in today and watch horror movies/be utterly unproductive with my time. I was convinced to do otherwise, however, by the most amazing Valentine EVAR. Behold the sole person who could ever convince me to leave the house when I'm in a snit:

My niece, Kiera! I'm the person behind her, paling in comparison to her cuteness.

Behold the cuteness! (She's petting her toy horse, in case you wondered about the hair.)

My absolute favorite picture. She insisted on wearing that shirt on her head for an hour =)

All in all, I'd say the day was well spent. I got to spend a lot of time with Kiera, who I adore (just in case that wasn't clear), as well as my cousin and his wife, my grandma and grandpa, my parents, my uncle and my brother. It was fun! I'm glad I was "lured" out of my pissy mood. I'll still be spending the evening watching horror movies and reading, but I'm in a much better frame of mind =)

How did you spend Valentine's Day? I hope you had a great day!

EDIT: I suck at life and my last few pictures might not have worked - so I updated them.
BONUS: My new cell!

I didn't go into detail about my milk-curdling bad week, did I? Well, one of the major sucky things that happened is that I lost my cell phone on Monday. The cell phone I actually worked for and "splurged" on because, what the hell, I'll have it for 2 years - why not?? The phone that had literally hundreds of pictures of my family, my friends and myself on it, and the phone with ALL of my contacts. My beloved LG Shine. Yeah - that phone.
I was studying for a test on Monday, nestled into the corner of a staircase on campus and enjoying the quiet. I somehow imagined safely packing my phone away with my books as I walked to class, because the phone was no where to be seen. I ran out in the middle of my class, panic-stricken, to see if I could find it, but it was already gone. Dammit.

BUT! Because my family has been a customer of AT&T for a hundred years or some shit, I got a replacement phone. Meet my Sony Ericsson W350a:

Cute, right? I do have the blue color, and I like it.

EDIT: I'm making this entry public (mostly so that my mom can see the pictures [since I "borrowed" her camera to take them, and said camera is currently resting happily in my room]). I wanted to give you a heads up. If you'd like any comments screened, for whatever reason, let me know =)

pictures, fun, love, kiera, life, family

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