hmm well not too much to say. ive had a really bad headache for like 2 days and it just went away yesterday, it was ridiculous. anyways yesterday just hung out with steve and these kids and smoked and stuff, haha had "special" brownies it was fun. anyways then we just went back to steves and stuff. today i just went to steves and we hung out there all day and smoked blunts by ourselves hah and ordered a pizza, and then just came here and stuff. thats it pretty much. bye, i love you stephan anthony marsh<33
bored so why not..
[x] been drunk.
[x] smoked pot
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[ ] rode in a cop car.
[ ] been dumped.
[ ] shoplifted.
[ ] been fired.
[x] had a job.
[x] been in a fist fight. - with my sister hah
[ ] snuck out- never had to
[ ] went on a blind date.
[x] smoked a cigarette.
[ ] gone on an airplane by yourself.
[ ] broken a bone.
[ ] had sex in a car.
[x] lied to a friend.
[x] went swimming in your bathtub
[x] had a crush on a teacher.- well i thought he was hot
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[x] made out in a movie theater.
[ ] taken caffine pills.
[x] been to disney world.
[ ] had a crush on someone you hardly knew.
[ ] been to california.
[ ] been skinny dipping.
[x] regretted something.
[ ] peed on someones lawn.
[x] skipped school.
[x] thrown up from drinking.
[ ] lost a parent
[x] kissed a member of the same sex.- not make out tho
[x] had sex with a boy.
[ ] had sex with a girl.
[x] been in a car accident.
[x] partied for days and days straight.
[x] had a family member die.
[x] played 'clue'.
[x] had a sleepover party
[x] went ice skating.
[x] been cheated on.
[x] have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] had a 3some.
[x] had a sweet sixteen party- a gay family party
[ ] had/have a car.
[x] drove.