Today's poem is a list poem, as inspired by my Wild Violet prompt:
NAPOWRIMO 2020 - Prompt 21.
A parking meter numbered "1040," which is the number
for the personal tax form in the U.S.
Allowable Expenses
Self-employed, I should track
every penny spent to aid
my efforts, such as
computer hardware, Internet
providers, printer ink,
postage. But maybe
I should add what it cost
for the plush toys
appearing in yesterday's
poem. The clothes I wore
while writing it, the couch
I sat upon. The music
clouding my ears
but failing to obscure my son's
trumpet, that counterpoint.
Or maybe even
expense the time
when I flew to England
and brought back at least
three poems. Should I adjust
for today's dollars
the money outlaid
for childhood penny candy,
mercurochrome on scraped knee,
the retrospective cost
of living the life
that's brought me to
this point?
- April 21, 2020