NaPoWriMo 11, 12 and 13: Pandemic Spring, Haiku, Tanka

Apr 13, 2020 17:42

I got a bit behind on my National Poetry Writing Month one-poem-a-day challenge, so here are three! The first is a poem inspired by spring, and the second and third are a haiku and a tanka. You can read the corresponding prompts from my literary magazine, Wild Violet, here: NAPOWRIMO 2020 - Prompt 11 and NAPOWRIMO 2020 - Prompts 12 and 13.

Grassy lawn, flowering trees, brick buildings outside my window

Pandemic Spring

Disorderly as thought --
a gray mist one moment,
glorious green the next.
This year, a dreamy arrival --
sluggish and rootless.
Faltering outside
our many windows.


Redbud's outspread limbs
clustered with coral blossoms
sprung from today's rain.


From filmy palette
to splashy chartreuse and rose;
shadows shimmy on brick
in hushed wind. Tornado
warning is over.

- April 13, 2020

plague diaries, spring, napowrimo, napowrimo 2020, poetry

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