LJI 10 Week 15: The Sacrifice

Apr 18, 2017 19:25

This is my entry for Week 15 of LJ Idol, Season 10 (therealljidol). This week's topic was "Patchwork Heart."

A little crack where the truth gets in. )

kung fu panda, lj idol, season 10, lji, parenting, love

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Comments 37

messygorgeous April 19 2017, 01:32:12 UTC

Man, is this the truth. When my daughter was less than a week old, and we had just come home from the hospital, I was nursing her and looking at her sweet face while we listened to lullabies. I suddenly started to weep over her, because I realized in that moment that, although I had been able to protect her and make her life as safe and peaceful as possible up until that point, so many things were going to happen to her that I couldn't predict and couldn't spare her from that would break her tiny heart. And those things do happen, mean girls on the playground, mean boys in gym, learning the truth about Santa, her father's disinterest...it is all we can do, as mothers, to take their hurt and break it in half, share the burden, let rhem know they aren't alone in their sadness and do our best to help them understand why.


alycewilson April 19 2017, 01:50:39 UTC
It's those sweet little baby eyes, looking up into your face, that give you the strength of a thousand ninjas and the desire to protect them. I never understood it until I had my own.


bleodswean April 19 2017, 02:11:12 UTC

This fierce momma bear mothering never fades! As the mother of a special needs child I sometimes feel as though I have more of these type stories than most, thanks for reminding me that we all feel protective of our cubs!


alycewilson April 19 2017, 10:41:01 UTC
I can only imagine. Through friends of mine with special needs children, I know how much you need to do for them, and I honor your work.


eternal_ot April 19 2017, 07:33:00 UTC
This touched my heart and feelings that are indescribable are so well described here :) I especially liked the line " Light seeps out the cracks, the love that fills my heart for him bleeding out."


alycewilson April 19 2017, 10:41:35 UTC
Thank you! I was hoping that image could help bring the feeling alive for those who may not understand it.


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alycewilson April 19 2017, 11:42:33 UTC
He is very sweet. I'm trying to teach him to express his emotions, especially towards people that hurt his feelings. A lot of times, children are unaware of their impacts on others, and it's too easy to internalize pain when the instigator is likely to be completely unaware that you're hurting.

The good news is that we discovered some daffodils growing next to our patio, away from the sidewalk and somewhat hidden from the front steps. We will be watching these, more protected daffodils as they grow. I also plan to start a patio garden with him, once it gets a little warmer.


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alycewilson April 20 2017, 08:08:56 UTC
I have to figure out the best time to start the garden, when there's less chance of an overnight freeze. Probably very soon.

Our little guy is very sensitive, and his dad worries about his tendency to cry about things because he used to be picked on himself for that. I think, however, that as outgoing as he is, KFP will ultimately do fine.


i_17bingo April 19 2017, 14:07:07 UTC
This is heartbreaking. I hope he has recovered from the loss.


alycewilson April 20 2017, 08:07:38 UTC
I'm happy to report that he has. We discovered some daffodils next to our patio, safely hidden from little girls behind a bush. Plus, I've bought seeds to start a patio herb garden!


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