Happy Accidents

Jan 08, 2009 15:54

I was explaining to someone recently that I keep all my photos, including those that might be considered misfires. Sometimes I end up using them later, as part of a graphic for Wild Violet. Often, though they're not intentional, I find they retain an abstract beauty. Here are some from 2004 and 2005. I'll share others at another time.

Una begging at a party in 2004. The blurriness makes it feel like a painting.
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My sister's dog, Emma, in 2004. The angle is interesting, even if it's blurry.
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A blurry image from a 2005 stage production of movie songs.
I believe it has a certain poetry. Can you name this scene?
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My bellydancing instructor at a June 2005 performance.
The motion blur was unintentional but still beautiful.
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A super close-up of Luke when we first brought him home in 2005.
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Luke gives Una an affectionate head-butt in this December 2005 photo.
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A miniature carnival, part of a train display in the lobby
of Market East Station, Philadelphia, December 2005.
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Beauty is sometimes flawed.

luke, pets, una, photos, emma

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