Stories from Naples

Jul 10, 2015 23:16

In Napoli, there are two types of people and you have to pick a side. It doesn't matter what side you pick, as long as you pick one. You can't be both.

When I was young, my mother bought me a bike. I was riding my bike and a kid said to me "Hey! Give me a ride on your bike!". So I gave him a ride on my bike and, that bastard, he rode off with my bike. So I went home and my mother asked me "Hey, where is your bike!" and I told her where my bike was. She said to me "You better go back and get your bike back!". So I went to get back my bike.

The kid said to me, "Ok, I will give you my bike back if you give me your shoe". I thought it was fair so I gave him my shoe and I took my bike and I went home to my mother. When I got home my mother said to me "Hey! What happened to your shoe!". I told her what happened to my shoe. "You idiot! Now you have to go back and get your shoe!". So I went to ask for my shoe back and the boy thought it was fair and gave me my shoe, but it was completely fucked up. It was dirty and so used you couldn't wear it.

But I took my shoe home and my mother asked me why I took the shoe. She told me it was useless and I had to go and give the shoe back to the boy. So I went and gave the shoe to the kid. He was so happy that he gave me a bunch of porn magazines. I took the magazines home and put them on my desk. My mother got really upset, and my dad came in and told me that I better stop listening to my mother.

That is the story of how little children become friends in Napoli.


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