Jul 06, 2010 23:03
- 06:34 Picture Perfect Summer Hair:
Summer means picnics, barbecues, fun, and frolic - and a host of excuses to ... bit.ly/bZ2Kux # - 08:41 Gloss Find: Skintimate Signature Scents Moisturizing Shave Gel:
As you read this post, you may be thinking... bit.ly/8XlQub # - 08:41 If I don't know you, and you're in a country I can't pronounce - or ever been - it's unlikely I'll accept your foursquare friend request. #
- 10:40 Use Color to Refresh Your Style:
We all have high hopes for summer excitement, yet soon discover all we ha... bit.ly/ankngA # - 14:32 JUST ORDERED A COMPUTER. Someone hold me. Clearly, the heat has gone to my head. #
- 16:52 @ tombrislin you played a crucial role in the naming of iZac - do you want to try for lightning twice? ;) #
- 19:32 A lovely soul sent me a box of chocolates as a happy surprise. Sadly, the sun murdered them before they could get to me. #
- 20:49 Just discovered I am sunburnt along my entire left side! Note I never left my apt today. #
- 21:25 Apparently one can get a sunburn if you spend all day working at your computer next to the window. If you are me, and me alone, that is. #
- 21:57 Meet my new techno-baby!: iZac, Pearl, and Haze have a little sister…
My new baby is the latest generation of macb... bit.ly/cBFMCM #
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