Jun 12, 2012 23:26
И, конечно, будучи сверхосторожным реалистом со страховкой на всё и вся, я не смогла удержаться-зарегистрировалась на хранение крови из пуповины ребенка в банке стволовых клеток.
Надеюсь, что этим я частично застраховала его от серьезных заболеваний в будущем.
Cord blood is the blood remaining in your baby’s umbilical cord following birth. These stem cells can repair damaged tissues and are being used right now for thousands of patients. Every day lives are being saved with a cord blood transplant.
Your baby’s cord blood provides a rich source of stem cells that are the only perfect DNA match for your baby, should he or she ever need a transplant . Many researchers and cord blood transplant doctors believe that the next big advance in medicine is going to be in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Their view is that cells can do what drug therapies can do - and that’s repair tissue.
Stem cells are the building blocks of the immune and blood system. Stem cells can divide into other cells that are an exact DNA match for your baby’s existing cells. They have been used in the treatment of many different cancers, immune deficiencies and genetic disorders.
Stem cells divide many times to make new stem cells. They can also transform into specific cells needed by the body to heal itself.
Because these stem cells are an exact DNA match to your child’s immune system, they can be used to fight more than 80 diseases, including leukemias and lymphomas with no risk of rejection.
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