Have you ever gone out with a football player?
Last person to make you smile?
Project Runway
If you're sleeping and someone calls you what do you say?
I answer my phone about 99% of the time when Im sleeping, but usually never remember what the call was about
Ever receive a really long apology?
Feel like talking to someone that you haven't in a while?
Um, always. I rarely talk to two of my best friends, because one's in California and the other is a hermit
Are you mad at the last person who called you?
It was my mom, and no, believe it or not
Expecting something to change in the next month?
Not really
Ready for winter to come?
If you could move out of the house right now would you?
Yes, that would be amaaaaazing
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
No, Im not much of a pink person
What is your favorite class?
Currently, Life Drawing I guess
Were you an honor roll student in school?
No, I was a slacker
Have you ever slept in a bed with the opposite sex?
Yes, its the best way to sleep
Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room?
Homework, paint my nails, listen to music, get dressed
How do you make your money?
Prostitution / Krogers
What do you have planned for tonight?
You're traped in a room for 3 days with your worst enemy, what do you do?
Sing obnoxious songs and give them noogies
Today did you kiss a person you have feelings for?
When is your birthday?
Jan 11th
If you could have anything right now what would it be?
To cuddle with a cute boy / get a pet hedgehog / this..
Would you get married if you could right now?
Ive decided marriage is not for me
Do you think you are an argumentative person?
Not really, unless its important
How's your heart lately?
On the fritz
Are you a forgiving person?
You better believe it. Its not like I have the word amnesty tattooed on me or anything..
How ticklish are you?
I only have one spot
How is your hair?
I hate it, end of story
Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
Who was the last person you were mad at?
Probably Levi or Samuel
Where is your cell phone?
Right infront of me
Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
Doesn't matter
Who was the last person to comment/message you?
Do you miss anyone right now?
Levi and Jordan
Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20?