Nov 10, 2005 16:47
Man I am loving this new LJ layout for posting entries. It's SO much less confusing to me. I mean, I really didn't think I was that dumb but trying to post and see others' entries was a task for me over the summer, lol. Though they did get rid of my moods so I am a little upset. Anyway, things are going alright around here. Got a big test coming up in about 2 hours. It's an absolute pass or fail test. Looking and going through the study guide was a breeze, as for how the actual test will be, well that's debateable...
This year thus far has not lived up to all it's expectations. You know, habit is a truly horrible thing! Hopefully i'll have more to write in livejournal. Xanga pretty much controls my life, (other than facebook...)I love that thing! L8R
Dee <3