
May 23, 2006 02:19

The bird and the reptile, it is said, have the same ancestory. Does this mean that the serpent is close kin to the dove?


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Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 25 2006, 06:27:18 UTC
Lucifer means "Light Bringer". Without the darkness you could not know the light. I do not see how "New Age" relates to Satanism. New age teaches love, Satanism teaches self gratification to all ends - (sounds like something the aristocracy is practicing - namely the corporate megalomaniacs). I think you are generalizing to the extreme and trying to fit everything non monotheistic into a box of evilness.

Since there has been monotheism there have been battles to be the chosen ones. America is it's own monotheistic Deity.

Still yet I am to get a response to the points made in my post.

The wars of the world, including todays are built on the conflict of Christianity/Judaism/Islam - The one god - we are right mentality and the concept of Satan they created as propaganda to keep their followers in fear so they'd accept and become part of their cult until the day they died or else - they'd burn in hell for eternity. Jesus said The kingdom of God is within you so go meditate - there's never been a war in Buddhism.

I agree, the media is a brainwashing machine. The book was the past's media, and that's exactly what the bible is. But guess what, the western world that is the major factor in all these things you speak of, is built on a Christian religion, so there's got to be some sort of disconnect there. It may benefit you to realize that there is a great difference between Jesus Christ, and the religion of Christianity. Remember, Jesus was against the religions, but after his death the religions didn't change their ways, they just used him as an idol to focus on while their establishments continued on in their crimes. The spread of Christianity through killing by burning and drowning, etc, etc, has nothing to do with Jesus, it has to do with the Church. They are two very different things.

I think Alex Jones would be quite fitting for you. Look up his video's on google video. He's got lots of stuff that incorporates how today's media, religious beliefs from the KJV, and the current state of affairs of corporations and government fit together in a nice little package of hell.

Regardless, your soul is beyond the media, the chemicals, the brainwashing, the sterilization, the suicide seeds, the weapons, the microchips, the lies, the fear.

I think you are generalizing again when you speak of new-age automatons - maybe that's what you were, maybe that was your experience, but does that mean everyone who incorporates the enlightening aspects of all the world religions (i.e. new-age) become dumb, crazy automatons with no clue as you witnessed in yourself? Does new age harm people in unnumerable ways?
The only thing worth reading in the bible would be Jesus' quotes, the rest of it is Yahweh the vengeful god that took ownership to the Jews - "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other god's before me." If you are a gentile, I don't know where that puts you.


Re: You're obsessed? alx_lmx May 25 2006, 08:53:35 UTC
The World Wars were not wars of religious belief, they were staged. The people who fought in them thought they were wars of belief (the few who could bring themselves to fight, anyway).

I watched Alan Watt talk with Alex Jones.

If you are 'Enlightening' yourself and Lucifer is the 'Lightbringer', AND Luciferians at the highest levels cause seemingly nothing but bad, I think it can be reasonably assumed (and easily observed) that low-level Luciferism (and Hinuism, they share similar roots) may induce a pleasant effect, but not a beneficial one. If the world is an illusion then it doesn't really matter what happens, does it?

Also, if there is one ever-loving creator God, and he honestly doesn't like idol worship (and Jesus says that, if you'll care to check) then he's gon' be pissed.

Supposedly the Jews fucked up and now the Gentiles are the chosen, but that's wacky internet propoganda.



Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 25 2006, 15:34:04 UTC
Wars are not about the people who are fighting on the ground, they are about the ones who send them to do the fighting and what they want.

No - lucifer is a symbol, not a real being. a symbol that in order to see the light, you must have something to compare it to. Everything in the universe is in relation to one another. If there were no spectrum of negativity then there would only be one absolute - total light. If there were nothing but total light or goodness or whatever, and no spectrum to fall from, there would be absolute nothingness. Just as you must have space in order to have distances between matter (or else there would be nothing but one thick eternal wall of matter/energy) you must have dark to have the light exist. That's what Lucifer means. The mythology of a being surrounding Lucifer / Satan is nothing more than simplistic concept developed by imbiciles in their self proclaimed knowledge of the basis of reality, no more realistic than greek mythology.

The world is an illusion - means that your perceptions of reality are the illusion. Your reality is only an awareness of as far as your knowledge and beliefs will allow you. The universe is beyond any mere mortals concept of it. Just as science can eternally discover the world, so can those who search for the spiritual discover things eternally as the universe is infinite and God is so grand that there is no end to the discoveries. So in your earlier statement you said that those who seek out new-age just end up being bumbling idiots going on forever seeking - well yes of course, the universe and all it contains in any manner including spiritually is beyond a lifetime of discoveries. Who could ever know it all. I certainly don't think the council of nicea chose a mere number of books to be published as the bible (from a plethora of ancient writings they chose from ), actually had the concept of the universe manifested undoubtedly correct in their mere just 1000+ pages of then current beliefs and politics.

Jesus said - forgive them father, for they know not what they do. Of course, people are so wrapped up in politics they get lost, they couldn't even see what was right before them was horrid, they simply followed the crowds politics instead of their hearts. They were lost in what they were doing, simple minded baboons who couldn't follow their higher selves, their hearts, their intuition, their loving kindness.

God being pissed at you for being a bumbling idiot who worships an idol - I don't believe in worshipping idols, it's stupid, but that's just my opinion - But god being pissed is ridiculous. God would be certainly beyong these simplistic jealous, vengeful tendencies we see in the most limbic aspects of humans. It always fascinates me when people think God is so lowly to have such foolish behaviours of anger and jealousy. That's just an ancient, Jehovah concept the Jews had in the Torah. You find excuses to follow God based on fear by seeing that God is for some reason a pissed of, angry, vengeful being who'll send you to eternal damnation unless you follow his dictatorship. Guess what - that's just politics.

Jews, Gentiles, that's all politics - to say one is better than the other is bullshit. We are all from the same source.

Compassion and Kindness, that's what we need. Not politics. Organized religion is an early form of government and the bible is like it's constitution chosen by the leaders, book by book.

Here's a video that will show you fear. - The modern world

This one I just found: short - only 2 minutes


The Road to Tyranny. longer and full of fear.



Re: You're obsessed? alx_lmx May 25 2006, 18:37:50 UTC
Just because you look at a dog and see a cat, that doesn't mean that it's a cat. You can believe 'That is a cat' and read books about how it is a cat, go to seminars on better cat-recognizition and why cats are here, but the animal itself will not change. The real world is the real world, how you see it will not change it.

Your world as an illusion spiel is socialist peon-talk. Did you know the Russians had the same word for Christian and Peon? The operative word in Childen of the Light is 'Children'.



Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 25 2006, 21:27:11 UTC
Your comparison of the dog and cat to perceptions of reality is ridiculous. The perception of reality isn't about changing the outside world's state of those things which are named or hold a state of being - it is about your own experience that is the illusion. And life, after all, is nothing but personal experience to each individual.

You can not experience or know all things in the universe/world, etc, thus your own personal perception "view" of reality is but a grain of sand, and that is the illusion, your awareness of reality is only unique to your own experience. Nobody, ever has or ever will have the same awareness of what we call reality as you, it's impossible. Everything is based on your own integration of the world around you, how you relate the experiences to your own knowledge, own past, own emotions, own experiences, own beliefs, what you remember and forget, your own choices of what you will and will not pay attention to. Your truth is not the same/identical to anyone elses truth who ever was or will be. It is only your own. That is the illusion.

If what you hold to be the truth, of your own minds opinion as a combination of all your choices and experiences were to be that the bible's version of God being a man, or there is no god at all, or whatever to the infinite possibilities, it is only your illusion of the truth. It is not the ultimate truth, it can't be, because your ideas of what is true is just filtered through your own mind.

The bible is a book written for the 5 senses, it is tangible to the 5 senses, it has policies that are strict rules that the writers believed are the "right way" for the 5 senses(just as stoning women who are raped is a belief and policy of some countries is believed to be "the right way" of doing things). Spirituality is intangible, but it can be experienced. The bible is too limbic to be divine.


Re: You're obsessed? alx_lmx May 26 2006, 07:27:40 UTC
Despite how you percieve it, reality is reality, there it is. I think the most important thing is to align yourself with said real, absolute reality as much as humanyl possible. 'My perception is different from anyone else's' doesn't mean that having a perception that is very altered from the real is better than one that is very close to the real.

Have you read The Bible?



Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 26 2006, 11:16:25 UTC
You can not profess to know the real, or that your perception of reality is closer to the "real" than anyone elses. That is your ego, that is your illusion. To state that what you believe is the "real" is delusional and is precisely what causes the greatest of conflicts in the world. It is tribal, survivalist mentality - I'm right - you're wrong - mentality that people war and kill over to continue on their "right way" or way they see "reality".


Reality based on perception:

The ocean, an all encompassing thing, could be perceived by those who have experienced a flood, a drowning, a tsunami, etc to be an evil, scary, horrific thing, the ocean could represent death and fear, while to another it’s reality serene meditation, fun surfing, or healing to the body. It is merely a perception of reality.

Today is May 26, 2006 as a fact - is it real though? nothing more than a construct of the mind, an agreed upon reality by many becomes a fact, but to the universe it is simply another revolution of the planet on it’s axis traveling it’s cyclical path through space.

The serpent in Christianity is perceived as a symbol of evil, devilish, while the Indian civilization see the serpent as a symbol of fertility and life giving, in the medical field it represents healing - the dove may represent peace to some while possibly death and fear to others as in the spread of a virus or infectious germs transferred to food. Who is right? Could you tell me?

These realities are simply constructs of the mind, nothing more, they do not decree what the ultimate reality is. Perceptions on behalf of the one who experiences, it is simply an illusion.


Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 26 2006, 11:17:08 UTC
Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 26 2006, 11:18:52 UTC
The above link is my answer to "Have you read the bible?"


Re: You're obsessed? alx_lmx May 26 2006, 18:13:55 UTC
Differing opinions on things do not change the things themselves. The Ocean is a fathomless void of death, you can also surf in it. Only considering it for it's surf doesn't make the death part go away.

Let us take a look at the definition of 'illusion':

"il·lu·sion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-lzhn)

1)An erroneous perception of reality.
2)An erroneous concept or belief.
3)The condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief.
4)Something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous belief or perception.
5)Illusionism in art."

It's derived from Latin, from a word that means 'a mocking irony'.

Reality is not an illusion. Reality, by definition, is real. Some people will spin the facts one way , some will spin them another . How it actually is is probably somewhere in the middle.

Who created your illusion? Why do you believe in it enough to hassle others about it if you yourself call it a false concept of reality?



Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 26 2006, 18:46:48 UTC
So what is reality? The bible? Could you please tell me what reality is that doesn't include your own opinion or someone elses perception, you know, the bare essentials of what the truth really is? Don't forget to include quantum physics in your explanation, it is the furthest science has seen yet of creation/existence, (so far)

I created my experience of reality, just as you yours.

If you want to read the bible - go to biblegateway.com, you should check out Leviticus and Deuteronomy. It's fascinating how all these different books got into the collection of the "Word of God", the "ultimate truth", you know "reality".

To say you "know" is to show that you really "don't know". The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. It's infinite. But the KJV definitely should have all the answers, you know, the truth.



Re: You're obsessed? alx_lmx May 26 2006, 18:53:08 UTC
I don't ever recall saying that it did. I haven't read it. Neither have you. (though you have, apparently, read lots of things suggesting otherwise)

Quantum physics is at the professorial level, which is the highest level of peon knowledge. I can assure you there is much more developped science in the area of existential science.

If the sanctity of subjective reality is so important to you, then why are you so quick to say that what you assume is mine (again, I haven't even read the bible) is false?



Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 27 2006, 01:22:15 UTC
Go ahead and read it. What's stopping you? biblegateway.com has it all in black and white.

Peon knowledge hahaha. Go ahead and "assure me of much more developed science in the area of existential science"

pe·on Audio pronunciation of "peon" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pn, pn)

1. An unskilled laborer or farm worker of Latin America or the southwest United States.
2. Such a worker bound in servitude to a landlord creditor.
2. A menial worker; a drudge.
3. (also pyn) In India and other parts of South and Southeast Asia, a person of menial position, especially a messenger, servant, or foot soldier.

If you want to see something quite in your realm of satisfaction you may wish to type "Occult" in at video.google.com Up will come Nazi's: the Occult conspiracy part 1 and 2 of 2. It's very interesting and will totally support your perception of the occult - that it is Satanism. Because Hitler used the occult it makes it Satanic I guess. What people do with things gives those things it's "true" meaning right?

Oh, by the way, sex is evil according to the church and the serpent in the garden of eden was not a "snake" that was the great tempter, and the apple of eve was not an apple but that of a similar fruit. It was adams cock and eves pussy. Oh but maybe god shouldn't have given adam his cock nor eve her pussy, after all, God knows they are evil things. Eve after all, was named after "evil" or was it vice versa? Thanks God we were all created evil sinners from the moment of our birth, after all, it's best to feel guilty and have the Church be the all powerful business to redeem us from what God created. Somebody has to rule over us to keep us coming back for all our dirty deeds. The money basket just keeps getting fuller. Oh those horrible sinners from birth to death. Thank Goodness.

A weed is not as beautiful as a blade of grass simply because of a judgement.

I'm going back to studying the Kabbalah.


Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 27 2006, 15:06:11 UTC
The ocean is not death, nor fun of itself. It is simply what it is. Without the experiencer it has no description. It is what it is.

Just as fire simply is. To the plant as an experiencer it receives growth, nourishment from it’s relation to the suns rays. A burn victim experiences pain and fear of fire, as in a skin cancer victim. The fire simply is what it is, the experiencer is that which relates to it as a judgement of what it is according to their own perception.

This is what is meant by realities illusion, it’s not that there is not an IS of existence, it is that it is only what it is according to the experiencer. There is no escaping relativity. How you see the world will always change it, for there is nothingness of existence without the experiencer, and life is only experience.

I have read much of it, and much of it I couldn't be bothered with. Why should I, it's nothing but contradictions. But of course, what to read - the Torah - first 5 books, the additional books of the Old Testament, or the New Testament or additional books which were decidedly never included such as the gospel of Saint Thomas.


Re: You're obsessed? anonymous May 26 2006, 11:33:02 UTC
A cat is a cat, a dog is a dog, the sun is the sun, merely named yet these things are physical objects. The bible is not based on naming physical objects or other nouns, it is a book revolved around and based on concepts of reality, it is based on philosophies and beliefs - those of which are always based on perceptions and are always subject to be the filters of one's own mind.

It is a version of history from the eyes and pens of the beholder of each book that was selected from many to be implanted into what is now called the bible, then translated into many languages. As anyone well know's translation is never exact, and substitutions often must be made for words and concepts throughout. In it's translation itself it is flawed and gives a skewed version of reality. What one say's is real does not make it so.


Re: You're obsessed? noname1 May 25 2006, 20:24:46 UTC
Compassion and Kindness, that's what we need. Not politics.

feeling good about how nice and morally superior we are isn't going to stop genocide.


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