Feb 27, 2005 21:08
GAbby says 2 u has entered the room.
drmooski22: sorry
SwallowthesceneX: lets beat him up..with sock em boppers.
Alx1616: HELLO
nadia isobel: hahah hyes
GAbby says 2 u: hi..
SwallowthesceneX: YOOOOOOO
Alx1616: everyone invite people
drmooski22: fine nadia, i will engage in cyber sex while you witness
Alx1616: so it gets crazy
drmooski22: sup gabby
Alx1616: craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy
drmooski22: if that is your real name
GAbby says 2 u: who are these ppl lol
Alx1616: they are my friends
SwallowthesceneX: his children.
Alx1616: from my vacation
SwallowthesceneX: damn.
GAbby says 2 u: lol
SwallowthesceneX: lol.
PuNkNoTdEaD321: -----------8-----@
nadia isobel: his children from vacation
PuNkNoTdEaD321: its a rose
SwallowthesceneX: penis rose?
GAbby says 2 u: lol
drmooski22: illegitiamte children
SwallowthesceneX: from the whale sperm
GAbby says 2 u: aww i feel special u invited me lol
SwallowthesceneX: in the ocean.