
Oct 01, 2004 20:37

Me & Jay hav ben getin along great latly.
Things r goin good.. im signd up 4 a typing klas at CCRI 2 get my credits 2 graduate. i can do it from hom on my computer thro the internet & only hav 2 go 2 klas a cupl tims. so thats mad kol.

notin new has rely ben hapenin. kinda borin latly.

Oo! i stole Torri's [torrance] little keychain ashtray! i thought it was kol so i stole it off his pants at lunch! he loves me! he doesnt mind!! LoL.

pikin up the talent of the drums! [LoL] im actualy comin along Mr. Malloy sed i was gettin prety good.

eryone nos how im not a girly girl n shit. n always wear tshirt n jeans. today i wore a girly shirt n eryone was lik "OhMyGod Kaitie you look so cute!" i was lik "um..thanks..?"
i was wearin a pair of my dark jeans wif my studded belt n a tight back longsleeved shirt that says "PRIVATE PROPERTY" on it n then undrneth it in small letters it says "it means im with somebody" its wicked cute! eryone was lik "you look lik a girly girl"
Jay told me i lookd rely good in it n i made him horny n i ned 2 buy more shirts lik that.. i was lik "mayb.. if ur lucky"

the pep rally was today it suckd. except for justin markley cumin out painted blue wif the indian hat thingy on n jumpin thro the hoop for the football team! it was fuckin great!! Austin Sylvia n some chick won homcuming king n queen.. i voted for him n Cait Pyron.. so did alot of pepl.. but watev

off 2 da tv then callin jay..

luv ya!
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